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Everything posted by MrGTST

  1. May give me some motivation to go there too!!! I keep thinking .... man I really should go to a gym..... then the lazy part of my brain just says , nah I think you should sit down and watch tv.... hehe he always wins
  2. geeez well make it three then..... One for Adrian Two for Cam Three for me It will be just like collecting the whole set
  3. Howdy Partners
  4. Yep... Thats right..... The government staff members must sit at there desks and the following must occur.... Government Staff Member 1: Hey!!! I just thought of another way to exploit the Perth public!!!!! Government Staff Member 2: Really??? How???? Government Staff Member 1: Why don't we make people have to rent there license plates instead of purchasing them, thus making sure that they are forced into paying a substantial sum of money every year as apposed to a one off payment.... We will make a nice tidy profit!!!! Government Staff Member 2: Geeez your clever!!!!! The boss will love it!!!!! Man, you will get a raise for sure!!! I tell ya its like being governed by the three stooges...
  5. This just p!sses my right off...... I will only get personalised plates if I can think of something really clever.... and I refuse to "rent" my plates each year..... If I can't think of anything before this policy changes then I will simply refuse to hire license plates... and I am sure many people will do the same
  6. Hey that was me that stopped that night..... I remember as I heard the accident from my house ( I was leaving around the same time as the crash to go get fuel ). Looking at the accident I thought something like that must of happened.... I knew then it was going to be a write off looking at the damage.... As long as your ok, I guess thats the main thing. Still its very sad to see a car that you put soo much time and effort into destroyed before your eyes... On a side note, I have been wondering .... Do you have a sister named Melissa???
  7. Ohhh well I am going home... Will chat in a few days time probably as I will be off site .... May pop in though if I get the chance... bye bye
  8. Yes alas I only whore my own state..... I should really make an effort to get to know some of the melbourne people as I will be going there once a month for a while
  9. Geeez everyone knows everyone around here!!!!! Now I feel left out.... I only know everyone in WA !!!!
  10. Hmmm pity as I am using a VISA at the moment.... To be honest I don't know the difference but I see VISA around alot more the Mastercard so I feel better having a VISA.
  11. Great.... we are all normal here too ... well everyone except GTST VSPEC.... so you should fit right in here
  12. Geee Paul from the main smiley list ..... Duh
  13. Hiya NismoGirl Paul probably went home and didn't tell anyone
  14. So how good is the virgin card???? What's its interest rate? Do you get interest free period? and whats the yearly fee??? Is it VISA? Thats enough questions to start with....
  15. Hmmm I usually see them in the wasteland from the guys over east.... I can't really think of any of the top of my head but when I see them its usually like " gee I havent seen that one before " and I look in the list and cant see it.... It makes my wonder that if all the forums are based on the same code then people may find smilies from other forums then use them here.... maybe the list is just a help guide and doesnt actually contain all usable smilies.... Or maybe I have thought about it too much
  16. I think they said that there were a few produced in 94 as well..... on top of that they want it in good nick and they want it modified... like aftermarket turbo's and such.... I told them there crazy but they like to do crazy things so we will just wait and see I suppose....
  17. Yeah I know there is a pretty comprehensive list but quite often I see people using smilies that arent in that list.....
  18. whoa!!!! did I miss something!!!!
  19. what year is kens ricer???? My mates with the prelude want a R32 GTR but they want a 94 GTR V SPEC 2 or something like that..... I think they are dreaming....
  20. Hmmmm I want to know where people find most of these emoticons.... Im sure people keep using ones that are not in the list.....
  21. Hmmm ok now obviously I am the only one still here so I am going to go get lunch.... bye to anyone still lurking around...
  22. Hmm did a quick search but didnt find much.... Another good option is the go and ask at a few dog clubs as they should have good networking, just like us with our cars....
  23. im pretty sure I just used the yellow pages from memory.... I did my searches around 12 months ago now....
  24. So Cam, whats up in your neck of the woods?
  25. Hi Cam.... Well I wouldnt think they are a rare dog so you should be able to find a breeder locally.... Hell I even found several breeders in WA for Akita's !!!!
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