Its amazing... leaving 10 minutes early usually makes all the difference.... If I leave at 4.50 I get home at 5.00 .... If I leave at 5.00 I usually get home around 5.30....
Hmmmm Sunday hey..... Maybe... Just maybe....
Well a usual day for me is get up at about 7.45 get to work around 8.45... Go home at 5.00 ( or in my case 4.50 to get a head start on peak hour traffic )
Hmmm I looked in the events section and the cruise I saw was the R31 cruise this saturday..... Thats probably why no one is talking about it.... as everyone knows th r31's are the minority
Hmmm I thought there was a thread in the events section saying there was some sort of cruise on saturday..... I didnt think it was right though because no one has said anything about it...