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Everything posted by MrGTST

  1. Geee I wish it was lunch time here.... I might pop out and go buy a crousant So Niz how many you expecting for your party???
  2. Hehe... Geee Squizz I thought those two comments just roll off the tongue together..... Hi Niz... Are you getting exctied about your birthday party yet??? Hi Cam...
  3. Hmmm methinks the Whoretown has perhaps peaked to early???? Can ya do anything with that one Squizz????
  4. Ahhh Don't worry Macka.... You will be just like the rest of us..... You will quickly learn to be always be aware of all bumps and dips in the road surface. All it will take is one or two scrapes and you don't forget anymore
  5. Hmmmmm It appears that after the huge rush to get to a 1000 pages that the Whoretown has become a bit deserted..... Maybe its just a coincidence though... I know my work has become alot busier... maybe others are in the same position
  6. Hiya Paul..... Quiet morning no????
  7. MrGTST

    Price ?

    Ahhh can't you pickup R33's these days for around 17k and such???? So wouldn't it stand to reason that the R32's would be less than that?
  8. My 12 Month renewal for my skyline is due in a week so I have had it just about spot on 1 year.....
  9. Hmmm I have heard lots of people having trouble with RAC but I didnt have many problems insuring my car with them.... I already had roadside assistance with them and said I wanted to include car insurance and told them the car and they said no problems...
  10. Well I am with RAC and they have done me a pretty good deal....
  11. Afternoon Gentlemen....
  12. bye bye
  13. Haha.... I am 99% certain she was the one giving us a warm welcome too.... Nice looking chick hanging out the back of the red commodore on the way out of the starting point with a can of something telliing us she loves us or something like that.... either that or someone else... either way it was cool
  14. Hiya all... Hiya Paul..... So whats the verdict on your car??? Have you had more problems since the yellow on friday night????
  15. Cool Rob... I did notice that your team was pretty low on the rankings this season which is why I asked!!!! Of course we lost our finals game but you expect that when you are pretty much playing the A Grade superleague team in the finals
  16. Yep sure did..... I was just lookingat the general directions in the events section..... Thats exactly what I wanted thanks.... Basically I will follow those directions but wanted a street address if all else fails Thanks!!!
  17. Rob.... Hows the indoor cricket going for ya so far...
  18. Yep..... I am planning on going for sure.... I know it starts at South Perth Bunnings but do you have any idea where it is.... I am trying to find some sort of street address for it but to no avail so far....
  19. Cam.... Did you say you were going tonight???
  20. Well you may lose..... but you will lose happy
  21. Haha Troy.... Id call that disadvantages and advantages
  22. Hmmm Im entrigued.... I love playing pool
  23. Where do you guys go to play pool????
  24. Whats the Initial D anyways.... I hve heard about it a few times but never seen them.... I am assuming they are some car vids???
  25. Evening Boys....
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