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Everything posted by madbung

  1. Aieeeeeeeeee....may the gods strike their offspring down with a pox on their genetalia. Bastards.
  2. Mmmmmmm....Intenso!
  3. 350 $1 scratchies....with that kind of coin pushing the odds in your favour you can't lose, can you?
  4. Standered...never heard of em, they any good?
  5. I own modified 34 & 62 Fords. my nissan feels absolutely futuristic in comparison...but that doesn't make me love the old girls any less Too much comfort can detract from the experience in some cases.
  6. Is it the "special" fruit juice with glucosamine "business"?
  7. So it's true... the X has a little understeer issue
  8. Groovy....they'd better sell em cheap, being an ex hoon car with a thrashed history n'all
  9. Over crowded goals...If there are other legal options available they will use them, even for scum like that, no room left at the inn...simple as that. Personally I think they should have made an example of them all. There was a woman on a $1.5mil? fraud charge that went to court recently (gambling), her doctors said she suffered from anxiety, obesity and agoraphobia among other things..same result, suspended sentence and a bond. It's a joke.
  10. According to initial police reports, the woman was allegedly making an improper right turn off the busy road into Darley St, causing Lasance, who was travelling west, to collide with her car. Innocent young hoon attacked by elderly right turning road raging street racer...could this be the begining of nana-geddon. Discuss..
  11. I have a scar on my right forearm that when I flex it a certain way it looks like an alien is trying to burst out, I can spread my toes like fingers and wiggle them.. but the one that usually gets me a free beer (from bets) is snapping telephone hand sets in one go.
  12. ^^ depends on how sharp the tongue-wit is that delivers it Ted...hence the expression "a cutting remark/retort"
  13. I know it's not the colour you wanted, but it was the only giant cock they had in stock. Happy B'day
  14. I thought it was obvious Ted But here you go anyway.. sarcasm Pronunciation: \ˈsär-ˌka-zəm\ Function: noun Etymology: French or Late Latin; French sarcasme, from Late Latin sarcasmos, from Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazein to tear flesh, bite the lips in rage, sneer, from sark-, sarx flesh; probably akin to Avestan thwarəs- to cut Date: 1550 1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain 2 a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual b: the use or language of sarcasm
  15. Why compromise when you can go the Doctor.. What a man!
  16. Another victim of retards and wankers...seems you can't get a break, hard luck fella.
  17. Tell him to do whatever makes him happy, deal with whatever consequences those choices bring like a man, absorb the lessons that come free with said consequences. Then repeat for the next 50+ years if he's lucky. Break the law ect..as long as he doesn't cry when it all turns to poo. He's 19 years old so he'll most probably do whatever he wants regardless of advice or reason.
  18. Mmm...seems a wise man called it in post 2 of this thread only to cop post upon post of ridicule. Glorious, now kiss my golden brown crumpets all you nay-sayers Shocked and suprised to be wrong?...you should be used to it by now. Can the v-spec push into the top 5? Geez I hope so.
  19. ^^+1 Reading my sig might give you a better idea of what's what. I had some other quotes but they contained attacks on other members that were way too offensive to use..Enjoy
  20. Damn...thx anyway,just checked he's had 1 post and been inactive since 2004, any chance?
  21. Hi, If possible could I change from madbung to Bung..thx
  22. The worlds first alternative fuel series.. It'll happen sooner or later, some added pressure on the manufacturers and exposure to the motorsport public couldn't hurt. Classes within the series..Electric, hydrogen, hybrid ect... handicapped by weight to kw output.
  23. The exploding car was the Chevrolet Corvair, It was an interesting car for it's day..also came with a turbo on the sports model. Didn't handle too well in standard form with massive under steer but the excitement of a possible rear impact-explosion at any moment makes up for all the bad bits
  24. 95ron and a bottle of octane booster.
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