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Freddy Kruger

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Everything posted by Freddy Kruger

  1. id go plan one. get some experience by yourself on the roads in a not too powerful car. than when you feel more confident and hae the cash go for your r32. best not to get a good car for your first car... it WILL cop a floggin...
  2. im quoting it again coz its a great post. you can disagree with it, provide better training and better roads and there would be less death of newer drivers. thos one thing for a new driver is a little bit ofpower to get out of tight situations, such as crawling out from a blind corner you have the acceleration there if you need it. i know in a situation like that i would have no hope in a car like my mums pulsar... but the is the question why you need so mch power when you have only driven by yourself for 6 months... theres a guy on his Ps with an LS1 commie, straight out illegal on Ps, then he threw a supercharger on the side of it. its making 380+kw at the rears. now tell me why a p-plater needs that?
  3. heres mine .
  4. honestly... who needs that much hdd space?
  5. and black edition came with a dvd.
  6. ah... its french... that explains it...
  7. screen goes black like its loading, then goes back to windows. in winXP Home. i extracted it a folder on my desktop.
  8. bugger it doesnt like me, it wont run at all. any ideas. "Install Method: Just unzip and run" didnt work.
  9. That last one is way too easy. i gunned it and ended up at the bus depot. i parked on top of the busses and waited. the cool down period was longer than the persuit i reckon
  10. email sent mate. Alright for direct deposit? Send me the total plus delivery and ya details. ill head to the bank as soon as i get em.
  11. cool bananas!
  12. so when is this all going ahead? if its not gunna be soon-ish i might buy it off ebay myself...
  13. ill have a dip and see how my comp goes at those res... it didnt like anything higer than 800x600 in doom3... but that was doom3...
  14. i bought it for myself yesterday. it does love the memory doesnt it. ive got a 3.2ghz pentium 4, 1 gig ram, an ATI Radeon 9600xt. and it seems to run ok at 800x600 anything higher and i can read the writing stupid crappy monitor...
  15. Thanks for the PM dezz. Put me down for one with the lot (heres the list so far) 1. Abusd 2. Dezz- main unit. cig charger. normal charger. batteries 3. West 4. West 5. West 6. Ferni 7. Mavric 8. Saff_cossie 9. Jackie 10. Freddy Kruger - main unit. cig charger. normal charger. batteries
  16. i reckon theres a tad too much micromanagement. (shit thats a big word...) like you gotta eat, exercise, lift weights etc. then you gotta manage a GF inbetween drivebys...
  17. Doh! i PMed SL!M bout this.... i shoulda searched eh? Sprry bout that, i give you permission to hit me with a large blunt object... sooo... what up with the site?
  18. what kind of accessories? is a cig ligher plug one of em? if they are PM me ill probably be in.
  19. bahaha! ROFL! any more like that? oh and is there a way to save it to my comp?
  20. StageZilla, if you are really keen to do a strappa in the VS, unplug the fuse for the ABS, when your done, plug it back in. it is a family car after all, its more designed for transport rather than skids, theres always a way round it tho I dont know what the major attraction with p-platers and holdens and fords are. but its probably more with the money side of things. how many bogans can afford a skyline? i rest my case if they had more money they'd probably be hoonin around in r32s or something... Ive only flung abuse at a few people: 1. i was drunk, and 2. they were excels
  21. remote starts are only good if its an auto, as you put it in P or N when you turn it off or if its not in those gears it wont start anyway... Anyhow, if its installed in a manual, you gotta leave it in neutral otherwise when you start it it will either stall or maybe even start driving away without you! a mates cousin has one on his manual VS commodore, he has to check to make sure its in neutral... which kinda defeats the purpose. he started it one time in gear and it started rolling forward! he crapped em good
  22. hmmm...different... i reckon itd be even more interesting if it was a r32 with a bug catcher stickin out of the bonnet or something...
  23. yeah, if you want to know the performance of your car, take it to the track. a dyno is just a guide pretty much, dynos werent exactly designed specifically for power runs, more the tuning etc side. i think the dyno (dynamics ?) site they go into a bit of detail. if you think your car suck, just loosen the straps, ive heard of a gain of 17kw doing that! cheapest power mod ever...
  24. seen the power curve for the escudo.. eek it freeky. dunno how the hell some drove the real thing... Im gunna have a play this arvo although i think i got a pretty good speed with the toyota gt1 ... no cheats right. ill be back
  25. i havent played it in ages... the one car i did try and set up for drift was the white r34 in the tuners section. Youd see it there if you have a look anyhoo. its fairly tricky imo to hold a drift without spinnin.
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