WOFTAM (waste of f'in time and money)!
I dont see Holden lasting much longer as a company when the only effort they seem to be putting into their cars are one offs like this. Dont get me wrong, its a nice looking car, but they should put more effort into cars Aussies (especially 'everyday Aussie's') can and afford to drive, theyve have a better hold onto Australia's market. The "Marilyn" (the convertable coupe) would have sold, maybe more than the 'new' Monaro's.
Youd all probably know that Holden will no longer be rebadging European cars anymore. the new hatchbacks, astras etc are gunna be Daewoo.
Ive given up on Holden. thats why the commy's for sale. i want a real car... a Skyline
Thanks for reading my whinge/rant