it's hard to know man, as sometimes things take direct hits depending on exactly how it hit.
personlly id be changing the LCA, then getting it back on a aligner. the toe has probably been knocked out, so if it is able to be aligned back to a decent spec, then i wouldnt worry about looking at anything else unless there is a noticeable problem.
the only thing is a static alignment wont pick up any issues with dynamic alignment, if something is bent it might only have a minor effect on ur static alignment, but make a big difference when ur suspension goes up and down.
ur toe being knocked out of alignment, more specifically if that side was knocked to give a lot of toe in, that could explain the knocking on the castor rod, because that wheel starts with some steering angle when ur rack is neutral, on full lock one way u will receive more steering angle than usual. steering angle on a R32 fouls on both chassis rails and caster rods.
but the LCA's are the most vulnerable parts in there, and are usually the first thing that goes from such an impact. but also caster rods and caster rod bracket bend/break fairly easy too and worth looking at. UCA's are pretty strong and generally dont bend too easily.
btw i have some R32 LCA's for sale if u want lol