for what?
i have been on this forum a long time, longer than most of these members, i have helped countless members, provided a tonne of tech advice, lended parts to members, helped members work on there cars, so u can imagine why some people might not take too well to a member who has been a part of this site for f**k all time, constributed just about nothing, been given mod powers, only to abuse them every chance he can get to fulfill a issue he has with control and power.
if sled had carried himself with a bit, sorry a lot more professionalism we wouldnt be in the position, but no, we have a moderator who moderates to his personal feelings instead of to the site's guidelines, if he dislikes someone: ban, if someone disagree's with him: ban.
you overlook anyone who breaks the rules as long as they are on ur side, then wait for the tiniest slip up from someone who is against u, and u ban them, hell they dont even need to break the rules.