warrentee is sticking at this stage, even though i bought it 2.5yrs ago. it sat on the shelf as i had some personal issues that stoped me from moving forward with my 25-30build.
im not blaming anyone at this stage, i have been completly happy with the workshop that did my engine install ect. and i was on the phone to jim (for a long time) and i was explaining to him that i just want to know "why" this has happened and what caused it, his clutchs are the best, no doubts, ifs or buts. However mine failed, for all we know the front seal on the gearbox (which i hope was replaced) leaked and put oil on the clutch, in turn no matter what clutch i had in there would of been slipping.
I'll post photo's when i get it out of the car...
anyway, comment in my build thread, not in here lol