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Everything posted by -_-StRyDeR-_-

  1. what sort of driving do you enjoy? and whats your car used for?
  2. -_-StRyDeR-_-


    who told you that skylines dont idle well and do not charge properly? lol
  3. Just check the coils first, make sure there isnt any burn makings or white lines (similar to cartoon lightening strikes, as an example :S lol) different ecu can be anything from a second hand PFC, Link, Microtech ect ect, all down to you and what you like/want and who you decide to go with with tuners. Yes mines are tuned in Japan, so different fuel, your friend had his on the dyno to check that it was fine? has he got exactly the same mods on his car as you? Can pick up a set of aftermarket coils for about $500 give or take. theres probably alot of maintence items that you can fix up to make the car alot better/smoother to drive. I havnt had much experience on the coast here with tuners, i get mine done in brisbane, i might be able to ask if the workshop can do me a favour and run your car up on the dyno then you throw your friends ecu in and run it up again, see what its doing? HOWEVER, i would strongly recommend fixing coils before throwing it on the dyno lol.
  4. Got any specs on his setup?
  5. if the wheel hits the sides itll really break up, not just small chips... might just be easier to undo the 2 bolts on the exhaust and see, get the car hot, and spray some WD on the bolts and let it cool down, then theyll prob be easy to undo. just dont ruin the gasket lol. 11-12psi should be fine. someone else might have some more insight/ideas
  6. personally id try and fix some of the issues before adding another item... either ask a shop if they will do a quick single dyno run to see whats happening or start replacing/checking the things you are already thinking about (coils), also no point putting iridiums in... id also personally not recommend a mines ecu or a brains... probably get a nistune if thats what your after. another thing to take into consideration is if you are already wanting a different ecu and running a safc (and maybe the timing controller)... you could probably pick up a better ecu that would handle the lot for not much more money/time/hassel.
  7. and trust me...dont ever get that stuff sprayed in ur eyes.... it tickles...
  8. can you go get them flow tested?
  9. is there a pic attached and im not seeing it?
  10. still welcome to come and meet up with a few of us, ill be doing a cruise down there as soon as we get some dry weather, love having lunch at the tumbulgum pub haha!
  11. thanks, tryin to get some proper km's on the engine is a pain right now as we have had constant rain/wet roads. cant load the motor up at all!
  12. lol @ doesnt fit onto the cube! how urgent are you to sell these?
  13. or if you have a aftermarket clutch it could be rollover noise?
  14. 19 cooks and one girl on the counter again?? lol
  15. Welcome! Might be a couple of us doing a light drive down towards M'bar soon! might be able to catch up when your cars ready!?
  16. So after reading all that... lol have you still got it? or has it been passed to another owner now? ps, i read about you making the RB sumps...is there a link for these?
  17. lol iv done that while working on a subaru, scared the shit out of me when i saw it dissapear!! lucky i was able to get it out without going to the amount of trouble you had to! lol
  18. whens your next day off Jay? can do a cruise lol. Emma's fault? lol :S something i missed this week? lol
  19. yeh ill let you know, just gotta try and work it with my bookings ect, today i started work at 7am, cant close the office till 11tonight.... F'n tired....lucky the pays worth it! lol
  20. test done when it was hot or cold? put a squirt of oil in each cylinder and do the test again? either way number 3 a little low.
  21. and i officially hate school holidays!
  22. yeh i just have to get some km's on this engine so i can get a proper tune in... so im looking to do maybe the drive out near currumbin rock pools and along the boarder of nsw, down to M'bar and then back up the M1... maybe lunch at tumbulgum pub
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