Turn the TPS all the way to the right, slowly turn it left until the revs increase then back it off tad. (so its just before the rev rise point)
After setting the TPS pull off the plug from the AAC idle up value and turn the screw untill your revs are at 650 rpm( with the ecu in service mode( pot turned fully clockwise).......thats what the manual says! But I have found if you plug the AAC valve in and the revs increase it is set wrong. The best point it to keep turning it down untill it's just under the setting were the revs increase. So if the revs drop past the normaL level it will activate immediately.
After this clean out the throttle butterfly as its works on being cracked open 2 thou, any dirt and greasse will upset it.
Lastly reset your idle speed with the pot on the side of the ecu.
Erractic idle is caused buy the ecu not being able to go into closed loop mode. If your oxygen sensor is dead it will never idle correctly. The TPS should be between .43volts and .63volts for the ecu to recognise closed throttle.
Oh yeah, if your oil is dirty or to thick or thin they idle like crap to.