To be honest, I didn't give a damn about cars until I bought my first one in '98... t'was a 1988 Vitara JX... I did suspension, stereo, and some spotties, but it was just transport... I mean, I always liked watching F1 and Bathhurst, but only really watched for the crashes... kinda like watching the State of Origins between NSW and QLD for the fights.
In 2001, I got sick of the Vitara, and wnated something that was more sporty with way more power. I was originally aiming for a VX SS, but the bank refused me... then I went to a family wedding in Perth (lot of rellies there) and my cousin suggested I buy a skyline, because they were the bees knees, blah blah blah. I wasn't convinced, but I decided to look into it.
They looked phat, they had the power and the technology and most importantly, the bank would give me the money for one.
My Skyline was the first I ever drove.