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Everything posted by bungs

  1. I had to leave my car overnight last night because apparantly the tint guy went home sick lol. Pain in the ass because I had work at 6am today, had to take mum to work, take her car and got to work an hour late. Meh tint looks good though, thanks steve for organising it all.
  2. woot, i'll get my tint before summer ends! Thanks Steve Pm sent with details..
  3. farken woot. can't wait for some tint-age soon
  4. Hope not, farken hot in the car with no aircon especially after working in a fridge for 8 hours lol
  5. I'm in for sure, but only if the sticker isn't too big... Don't want something that covers 3/4 of my rear window, or even a 1/4 to be honest.
  6. I'll give ya $250 plus $20 for post to Adelaide for the Front calipers+pads if available. If not oh well.
  7. Stock wheels sold to me! Top bloke! thanks again
  8. pretty sure I spotted vange in Norwood carpark last night at 11.45pm looking sus
  9. Spotted: vange posing on hindley
  10. Does it come with actuator?
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