there shouldnt be any movement oin the torque guage while cruising, its was intended to reduce rear wheel traction loss, thus it doesnt engage massivly, only gradually unless the clutch is dumped.
ive noticed if u r cruising and u hit a big bump or somthin on the road, it engages the fronts and stays like that until u let the accelerator go. then it drops
garrett 2560r-5
same specs as hks 2530 and i pulled 11.7 at 116mph wiv only thoes and a clutch and airfilters, still stock computer on 14psii...
i payed 2600
aha, my speed is not connected propery coz i changed me dash, i didnt install it properly, ill fix the speedo and give it a go,
thanks dude, the oil wasnt a issue, it was always full
my gtr has power steering problems
when i start it, the power steering is very light which u expect from power steering.
after 5 mins of driving the steering starts to get harder like there is no oil in the system,.
then as it gets harder the hicas light turns on and the steering goes 2 medium then after a whil;e gpes back to hard until i switch the car off and go it all again
all this started after new turbos but i did kleave the batter off for a week and a half so im assuming that the ecu reset
all help appreciated