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Everything posted by smasha

  1. i'll def be there. Stop being weak-sauces, we'll be fine as long as everyone is sensible. besides, it means less likely to be pulled over edit: I make good grammar
  2. U can get there @ 6, have a feed in chatty and wait for us
  3. I'm definitely up for McCarrs Creek Rd. And after the cruise, and when ppl are heading home, I think I might do the drive up to Akuna Bay.. Awesome after midnight
  4. Which carpark in Chatswood Chase we meeting @? map?
  5. smasha

    Putty Road

    please don't do it between 6th and 14th of August..... please. (ski trip)
  6. Just got home. Between Castle Hill & Pennant Hills, I saw 8!!!! HWP's.... 8!!!.. Thankfully none of the, saw/heard me. I found a convenient truck who preferred the right lane, so I tucked in next to him on the hidden side Good thinking 99
  7. looks like I'm going to have to call in sick for this one guys. Running a bit of a fever here. Went for a drive just then and got dizzy I was looking forward to it, too. Hope u have fun, I won't be
  8. I'll be thizzere
  9. just spotted ECR33T on pennant hills road near thronleigh maccaz. Gave a toot and got a wave
  10. Just scored free tickets to the fight (alright seats, might need binoculars) *I'd offer them to SAU, but my mates snapped them up real quick Love working in the same office as Ticketek cheapest tix are $40, but so not worth it. won't see anything
  11. anyone say roo's and wombats... Bags not Pole position
  12. you could definitely do that, or do an engine swap for ~$5K but I think you'll find that nearly no 2 skylines are as fast as each other.. Hardly any stock ones left. You'd be better off buying a cheap car, learning to drive on it, save some money and then when u'r off your P's you'd have saved enough for a really nice R33 Gtst, R32 GTR or even an R34 Gtt. Might end up cheaper in the end
  13. Not a lot u can do with an N/A 'line unless u're either a mechanic or have deep pockets. a lot of stuff is quite labour intensive. The search makes the find more valuable.... research it through the forums. Sounds like you have some time till you're able to drive one. I recommend you use that time to research what to get done/where to get it done/how much it'll cost/potential issues etc... However, generally speaking, an N/A R33 (94 and 95, so that makes them series 1 R33) will not be nearly as quick as a turbo version. If you do end up getting one, i suggest spending money that you would have spent on mods, taking advanced driving lessons to learn how to drive a FR car so you don't wipe out the first time it rains and kill yourself/your mates. No offense intended if any was experienced, I just know I was a P-plater once as well, and learnt a few lessons the hard way Cheers,
  14. no probs mate. Have fun, and just a pointer regarding this forum : you'll have more luck when asking about advice if you've searched through the forum first. A lot of stuff folks new to skylines ask has already been explained many times over, and the folks who do the explaining, get over typing the same stuff over and over again. All the info is in here, just waiting to be found.
  15. see above, and never mind the flamers.... they'll just tell u to "search" (u should try it )
  16. check out this area of the forum kiddo Naturally aspirated performance enjoy your stay, and drive safe
  17. I'll be there. And this time I mean it. I piked on the Newy cruise cos it sounded boring (highways r lame) Nasho=fun!!! Besides, i haven't seen some of u guys for a while... It'd be good to catch up
  18. that's very nice. I love driving along @ sunset or sunrise, cos you get to see some really cool formations and shadows of clouds. Makes me want to carry a camera with me all the time (and look like a tourist *shudder*)
  19. understand perfectly mate. Just being a little facetious lol. I intend on becoming a member quite soon, just sorta low on the financial priority list.
  20. Nice promotion... Is it a good resource? If so, i may consider joining.
  21. CRAP!!! that's right near my house :S
  22. eeek. Man, whenever I hear of a defect, i get scared. hasn't happened to me yet, although I did drive past a defect station a few weekends ago, on the pacific highway near the F3 of all places. I was tucked in behind a bus, as a friendly Taxi driver flashed me a warning. good luck with clearing it all Susp., let us all know how u go, as I'm sure I'll need the info sometime soon. Just out of curiosity, where did it happen?
  23. Cheers for the replies guys I've thought of that, but wouldn't that also mean it would take a long time to Warm up during day hours as well. It's only like that in early mornings (ambient temp ~10C)
  24. Hey folks I have a question regarding something that's been bugging me for quite some time. I drive to work very early in the morning (5am) in my R33 GTST, and have noticed that the car takes aaages to warm up properly (by properly, I mean temp gauge past 1/4, oil gauge ~4). And by ages I mean 20 minutes. During the day, it only takes around 5 minutes of light driving. When I first turn it on, i let it idle for around 30 seconds before driving. Mods: Full exhaust, Pod (for now ), boost solenoid grounding
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