Not a lot u can do with an N/A 'line unless u're either a mechanic or have deep pockets. a lot of stuff is quite labour intensive.
The search makes the find more valuable.... research it through the forums. Sounds like you have some time till you're able to drive one.
I recommend you use that time to research what to get done/where to get it done/how much it'll cost/potential issues etc...
However, generally speaking, an N/A R33 (94 and 95, so that makes them series 1 R33) will not be nearly as quick as a turbo version.
If you do end up getting one, i suggest spending money that you would have spent on mods, taking advanced driving lessons to learn how to drive a FR car so you don't wipe out the first time it rains and kill yourself/your mates.
No offense intended if any was experienced, I just know I was a P-plater once as well, and learnt a few lessons the hard way