Fellow nissan drivers. I have been driving a 200sx s-15 for a while and now am sick of the damn thing. Not that it is a bad drive, it is just that it lacks something. It really cant be described. I recently drove my friends skyline R33 GTS which was fuc#$%^ awsome. I knew what i was missing out on. However i have now been looking at the R34 range espically the GTR range. I just want a stock one but can only get it from an importer. Ther trouble is i have no one i kno who drives the thing. I looked and read a shit load of reviews but they are all from professional experts. So here is the delimma i wanted to kno from anyone out there what it is really like. Obviously there is a damn load of power and that sort of things but what is the driving like? what is the turbo kick in like? however in the quest for these answers i have to ask while driving my 200sx i get a load of people trying me out at the light. It doesnt matter i will get a excel to a calais to a lanos to well u kno what i mean. Does it get worse with a skyline R34 GTR? Pls help me with this situtation.