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Everything posted by caminperth

  1. Worth hitting them for slander? If we got enough of the clubs together round oz I'm sure something could be organised...
  2. Mark - There will be a bit of time in between removal and fitting so I'll be taking the time to sort out the engine bay. Think I'll be taking some pics and doing up a tutorial too.. Got the service manuals so hopefully that should make things better..
  3. sooo basically you have three ways to increase fuel flow into an efi engine.. 1. lengthen injector pulse duration 2. increase injector size 3. increase fuel pressure (and flow if needed)
  4. Change of fuel pump could be a few reasons.. more flow at higher pressures or just to replace a 10 year old pump.. a FPR on its own can be helpful, but as you've said, without flow it can't do it's job properly.. depends on the fueling required and the headroom available in the injectors.. looking at a redline of 7000rpm means that you have about 8.5msec per revolution.. so if you measure the pulse duration of the std injector setup (I don't know what it is) and compare it to the time taken for one revolution (8.5msec) if there's time to spare you can increase the injector duration to deliver more fuel, getting more out of the std injectors.. but you'll need an aftermarket ecu for this.. I'm working on some spreasheets for this sort of thing so will post more once it's done.. checkout a book called Maximum Boost by Corky Bell. Not a bad read and things are laid out fairly simply.. R33 ecu cannot be remapped unfortunately..
  5. Thanks James - have emailed him to see if he's got one..
  6. Mark - thanks for the info. Sounds like I'll be pulling out the lot and aligning gearbox/motor outside of the car. I've got the computer and all sensors so just need to chase down a loom - have checked the R33 plugs and there's no way it'll fit the Neo ecu, not even with a hammer
  7. Ian - yup, just found that out. I've located a R33 and R34 engine manual. Handy in telling me that the r33 loom won't work with the r34 engine.. Need to search for an R34 loom. If anyone knows where to get one, please let me know..
  8. Jet - thanks for the feedback. I know I'll have to remove the gearbox support and drop it down, but is it easier to leave it in or take it out with the old engine? So it sounds like the r33 wiring loom will fit the sensors on the Neo engine, just need to look at the plugs for the ecu I guess. Aircon - I thought it'd probably get in the way... As for roping in some mates to help out - I'll be definitely needing to do that!
  9. Hi all, I'm buying an R34 Neo engine and bolting it into my R33 gtst and wanted to know about what to do ect. The Neo comes with all sensors, manifolds, turbo, coilpacks, power steering pump and ecu but no loom. Can the R33 gtst loom be adapted? Will it fit the Neo ecu? Do I leave the gearbox in the car and drop the engine in to it or do I take it out with the old rb25 and fit it up to the neo outside the engine bay? I'll be keeping my air conditioner pump, is it possible to unbolt it and leave it in the engine bay saving me from having to re-gas it? Is there anyone who has done this conversion who can give me some ideas as to what is involved? Is there anyone in Perth who is bored and will want to help out? Go the SAU information machine.. Cheers, Cam ps - I tried a search but couldn't pull up much..
  10. Avram - I'm with the expansion projects group in Mill st.. doing a fair bit of work at yandi..
  11. Cheers guys.. Kym - looks like I'll need to borrow your special tool sometime in the future to lose some weight from my steering wheel..
  12. Avram - working for Rio? In the central park office? Brendan - have you met an electrical engineer named Dave yet? He's about 25 and only just started working there..
  13. xrw - nice one.. having a large extended family with many small children xmas time sees me become a walking tree of small children. Carrying 5 is no small feat - one on either arm, one on either leg and one hanging round the neck - and these are semi non-hostiles. I'm thinking that trying to seriously take out more than 8-10 would leave you with some sort of damage and feeling rather tired. Don't underestimate 5 year olds for knowing where to hit..
  14. Strich - did you have any problems pulling off the steering wheel? Mine's making a wicked heavy clunking noise. Hope the airbag don't go off in the meantime!
  15. This email came out when petrol prices jumped from 70c/L to 90c/L year ago... it didn't work then and I don't see it working now. Most of the price is GST and state taxes anyhow. Hound the government to lower those and you'll get lower prices at the pump.
  16. Definitely sounds like I'll be doing a leakdown test...
  17. fsmount - thats what I'm thinking, all the compression readings taken are consistent so hopefully they're all ok..
  18. Rep - I'll have a closer look at those things next time I check it out.. SK - Agreed. I'm guessing a leak down will tell me if there is a problem - no leaking therefore the compression is ok. Cheers, Cam
  19. ditch the spare and do a tyrewell install.. they sound mint..
  20. Hi all, I'm thinking about buying an RB26. The compression has been tested by a reputable shop and came out an average of 125 psi, with a deviation of 2 psi either way. Looking in the Nissan RB26 manual, it says that new it should be 171 psi and the lower limit should be 128 psi with a deviation of 14 psi. The shop who tested it seemed to think that as the values were consistant and the engine runs well and makes good power (400 rwhp - not stock turbos) that it either has forged pistons or a thicker head gasket. Opinions? Ideas? Cheers, Cam
  21. Anyone know where I could get compressor maps for rb20 and rb25 turbos from? Does anyone know what sort of turbos they are?
  22. Searched the net for a "Magic" catalytic converter and couldn't find a supplier. Where can we get these Hi-flo cat's from SK?
  23. Do a search on home theartre subs. I know there are quite a few people who have built them for this application and got good results. I remember seeing a tutorial somewhere on the web..
  24. Rep - I don't think you'll be able to find a source after the throttles that is balanced as there is no common area after the throttles due to having individual butterflies. There must be a way though! There's a link to workshop manuals on the SDU site. Thry finding that and the factory position/method may be revealed?
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