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Everything posted by caminperth

  1. man - i'm sitting in this internet cafe in the middle of town sweating my box off.. stupid english don't have the capacity to deal with the heat.. i ask - 'where's the aircon?' and get a heap of funny looks.. They're probably thinking 'stupid aussie'... heheheh
  2. heya aidwin, paul... yea - hot weather means half nakedness.. man - the chicks here are very very decent......
  3. Heya whores... it's fu:D
  4. and so are you.. no - you are.... mum!!! LOL.....
  5. thanks.. will be good to come out for a drive with ya.... time for me to hit the sack me thinks.. am flying out to london for a few days on sunday so have to spend tomorrow getting organised... nite guys...
  6. lol - i bet jas...
  7. well it hasn't really been the weather for it lately... mine's lacking a fair bit of power at the moment.. got all the timing wound back until I can find out if the injectors are going bung...
  8. wicked... sounds like a good drive... might have to tag along next time.. hows the car going with the exhaust jas? hows the new turbos going micko?
  9. yea jas - went to the norfolk basment club for a few beers.. not a bad place.. then had a run up the middle of hay st about 20 mins ago with a supra.. stupid revs in third gear over the freeway bridge, hard on the brakes and straight up the driveway to hide.. much fun...
  10. you guys were out driving? where'd you go?
  11. hey guys.. car is ok.. hows things with you?
  12. Mums don't always know best Bam..
  13. evening... or morning..
  14. Bam - weren't you going to go with him before but whimped out..
  15. al - whats with your answering machine? you sound so nice... give me a ring when ur finished on the phone..
  16. me wish me had apple.. me only have fundraiser m&ms...
  17. aidwin - not going to bother.. runs fine for now.. bam - nobody as yet... will have to ask around.. paul - hi, bye.. back to work for me guys..
  18. nah - can't.. it's the kerb up from the road.. engine is going fine.. i think the low compression has been there all along cause it still makes the same power. Am getting the injectors pulled out when i get back and flow tested to see if they caused the problem... bam - bummer.. was hoping one of you guys would wanna come with me... might ask my old man if he wants to come along..
  19. http://benzusedcar.tripod.co.jp/ 2.5k usd?!? shit - maybe i should get hold of this thing!!
  20. yea - steve was getting ready to go on holidays i think....
  21. me need to move house so i can drop the car right down... otherwise i won't be able to get into my driveway... hit the bar hard yesterday morning.. left fibreglass behind.. front bar looking tougher and tougher now tho.. hehehe
  22. hehe - caught ya... how long till the car is run up on the dyno aidwin?
  23. LOL.. now i'm confused.. don't know if i wanna rip off the wing or not..
  24. Aidwin - love that look.. that car has the same side skirts as mine.. me thinks i'll rip off the rear wing and wack some low springs in it..
  25. hi guys... who wants to fly to adelaide with me in september to watch Ken at the JMS drifting day? Me priced up flights - it's $390 all up..
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