Thats AWKW this a 4 wheel dyno...but yes r33 racer you are understanding correctly. (you can pick your jaw up off the floor
Paul its a single retarder DD ramps and reads more accurate in shoot8 with big hp cars. we have proven its accuracy to within 1kw at Autosalon (dynolog) on consectutive days.
This goes against convential thinking...but...
an incorrectly matched cam and turbo package can make or break a build.
this was a laggy set-up till slightly bigger camshafts were installed
around 300 more KW at
You don't have to remove the tailshaft completely...just undo the front coupling. It has enough movement to "wire" it up out of the way.
Edit: Sorry just realised its a GTS-t....this comment only applies to GTR
2nd Edit: 2rismo has just assured me that tailshaft does NOT need to be fully removed OR the gearbox oil drained. Leave both in and save yourself time and money.
due to the fact its take a couple of days off somewhere with the cash....i hope you had correctly filled out the notice of disposal etc and have a copy of a written reciept. Staying at your home address with that ammount of cash is not a good idea. I know of people who would kill you for half that ammount.
ring Mark Jacobsen for CP's Geoff...PM me if you want his mobile number...Mark can get you Wiseco's too and has had great experience with them as they are not a "heavy breather"