I hate the fuuk heads who go out just to start fights
I hate scum of the earth people who sit at home, living off the dole, have kids to collect the baby bonus, live in filth, Would rather buy a pack of smokes than feed their kids, Show no discipline towards their kids. Stuff all past, bugger all future.
I hate people who out source work to other countries to save a buck or two. Keep the dollar here and support your own country you scum of the earth F#%Kers
I hate Politicians
I hate Ditsy girls who live in their own little world of going out, getting smashed and have no regard for anyone but themselves and have myspace blogs like 'omg like sarah is like totally my best friends, like she's like my rock, we like get out, drink too many illusions and throw out guts up, but its' all good because my bestie sarah like holds my hair back while i throw up so it's like all good, like you know like whatever like yea like'
I hate it when people judge you before they know you