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Everything posted by Ryanrb25

  1. if for some ungodly reason rubyRS4 gets tied up or needs help, ive done plenty of turbo conversions from scratch including my own so let me know if ya need help. Ive also got all the tools you can think of. Ryan
  2. my corolla got defected today, but then got it cleared about 3 hours later
  3. i really cant believe how violent they are getting...makes ya worry about people you know, like ya mrs, parents, kids whoever, if this happened to them how much youd want to shoot these fuukers.
  4. what sorta turbo champ? There's alot of things people forget about..
  5. That makes me so f*kn mad, was the 'gang of 49' mentioned at all? Would have been a fairly hectic couple of minutes thats for sure. I would be devastated, sad to see such a nice car get innocently damaged. At least you weren't hurt tho. Best of luck with your next car.
  6. you'd be surprised how much a bit more air can make a difference in your front tyres...i put 40psi in mine and it lighten the steering a fair bit.
  7. i know i know i just dug up a very old thread about clicking but it's the only thread i discovered with the same problem as what im dealing with!!!!! Had anyone resolved this clicking problem?
  8. nah, we start at 6am, however we haven't got much on at the moment and with a little bit of persuasion we convinced our boss we weren't needed today.
  9. Thanks for explaining pete
  10. It's not easy finishing work at 9:30am you kno...
  11. I dont want to cause any more shit fights about slander but if someones had a bad experience with a particular vendor, i would like to know so i dont run into the same problem. Everyone has their own opinion about certain places but feedback is good.
  12. could this be adapted into a ke70 corolla? its not keyless entry is it?
  13. LOL sponsorship!
  14. Eagle paint n panel on old port rd. doyles have a great rep from alot of people aswell.
  15. had to bail pretty much straight away guys, sorry, got a msg to go help a mate...
  16. Buy an NA manifold, a few 1/4inch bspt plugs and your set.
  17. hence why i dont.... it was an exaggeration champ, relax. sorry, ive just had some really bad service from mile end, some of those people really have no idea about cars... Stores like that rely on the service of dumb cuunts
  18. now why would you want to do that?
  19. shoot a PM my way.
  20. That would be tuff heslo.
  21. yea, thats great. but in order to get good customer service, you need customers....you wont get that with a mark up of 200% on cheap shit.
  22. total trades supplies, total tools, soldertech. Places like that are specialised in Tools etc, They actually most of the time know what they are on about, its where most tradies get their tools as do i. Motor traders are very good for auto parts like OEM shit, like replacements for engine parts, tools etc.... For brand new aftermarket performance shit for jap cars definetly online traders.
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