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R34 boy

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About R34 boy

  • Birthday 22/01/1983

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  • Car(s)
    R34 4door skyline
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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. my baby
  2. hey do u have do u have any pics of dash and interior and also is there any damage. And wat proof do u have that it was Darren Appltons? Just wondering. Cheers
  3. does it still have the standard bonnet latch or is it only held down by the bonnet pins. And how strong is it, like is it real stirdy or is it pretty flimsy. Thanks, Mat
  4. What is the best time for me to call you. let me know. Cuase i am still interested.
  5. just wanna know if still for sale and how much to get them up near brisbane. I am very interested. thanks and let me know.
  6. It is a 4 door right? If so, would u have the passenger side tail light and the plastic cover for it. and how much. cheers.
  7. just wondering if u would still have a passenger side tail light up for grabs and the plastic cover piece that goes over it. Cheers. let me know
  8. check PM. I am pretty sure my PM went through. Let me know if i didn't. Thanks, mat
  9. dam Looks i will have to keep looking for a 25 box then. thanks for that mate.
  10. can you just remove the gears from the transfer case and would it still work like a normal box
  11. i am not sure on how to check and see if my coil packs are working. cause at the moment my car will turn over but will not fire and i have just put new spark plugs in and it still wont start so i am thinking it might be the coils. When i took the old spark plugs out 3 of them looked like they had not been working. i am pretty sure is a spark issue cause it is getting plenty of fuel. Can you use a multi metre, if so how? Not sure as what else it could be, this is my first turbo car so i am just learning so any info will be good. Thanks
  12. do the gtr and the gts have different floor pans, is that why the gtr box wont fit in mine or is there another reason.
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