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About alphabetic

  • Birthday 17/01/1983

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  1. alphabetic


    Thanks mate - I'll be there no worries. Busy wknd - cruising up north (hopefully) with minitas the day before, for their show at Longford.. Should be good.
  2. alphabetic


    Yep that's me mate.. You have a PM.
  3. alphabetic


    ^^ Thanks. Honestly, I forgot their names lol (all those ppl that day I've never met before - who's who, who drives what etc..). I'm sure they said R34, but I'm prob mistaken lol.. I'll give those usernames a hoy anyway. Cheers. Jays_5000, is the bloke ur talking about from Tas? It's gotta be Tas related. I'll send you a PM anyway mate. BTW, if anyone else is interested (here, or whether you know someone elsewhere who'd be keen) please post or send me a PM. I need content! :lol: Thanks
  4. alphabetic


    Think I'm in the right place lol... two blokes in charcoal black R32 gtst on NS Cruise (last Sun) mentioned this site - as to pledge my idea.. They here? :lol: Was gonna reply about tech article (for sumbission) about R34 project/rebuild here in Tas..
  5. alphabetic


    To whoever cares... For the next 8 months, I have proposed to develop/design a publication, recognising and promoting Tasmania’s car scene, as the core submission for my MVC (graphic design) postgrad course at uni. A massive car enthusiast myself, I am looking for support/shared interest from others across the State to make this project worthwhile. In recognising Tassie's car scene (and why it's held in such high regard) I'm aiming for a unique title rich enough to include the diversity required. Here's your chance to get involved >> I'm currently in the process of collating articles, photos and general content. So if anyone has covered a club event, cruise or motorsport recently (or within the next four months) please give me a hoy. If you have any original photos to accompany written text, that’s even better. Everything submitted will be valued and clearly acknowledged with contributor's name - accompanying each photo/article and on my editorial policy (or not, if you prefer). Ideally, if a club event (anything at all, as I'm also interested in the social/cultural attributes) or cruise is organised in the near future, I’d appreciate it if you’d let me tag along to experience it first hand – to check out members' rides, take some photos and to say g’day. Additionally, I’m after ANY car related articles you might think could be useful for this purpose - issues, technical advice, whatever - whether written specifically, or borrowed from someone you know with permission. Of some priority are individuals who’d like their car featured in the project (it shouldn't matter what it is), with a short interview or similar to supplement it. I’m based down south at the moment, but head home to the NW regularly.. so meeting up at some stage shouldn’t be a problem. BTW I've noticed ppl seem reluctant to help out re. their cars and pics of them, so if disclosing information is a problem, I'm not intending to reveal any personal details whatsoever (except for your name, unless you prefer not as mentioned earlier).. Finally, a logo/identity will emphasise the entire concept, so if you have any sugggestions please let me know. First and foremost this is a uni project, and the outcome may see only one or two copies printed. However, provided it is successful (hence becoming marketable, if only hypothetical), is not subject to trademark rights and royalties, and I successfully acquire funding elsewhere, I have the opportunity to print/produce numerous copies and freely + exclusively circulate it around the State to those who contribute. Mustn't get carried away but.. fingers crossed! I’ve posted similar queries elsewhere; via email, other forums, club sites etc, so you're probably aware of this already. This IS alot of work, and it's impossible to pursue without your input. Please share my enthusiasm! Anyway, I appreciate your feedback and look forward to hearing from you B) Cheers - JR
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