Well apple is worth more than the amount of capital left before they reach the debt limit. It's pretty creative reporting saying that they are worth more! They are simply going to agree on a new debt limit and the issue will be delayed until the situation worsens, or it gets better! The media and the opposition political parties are having a field day with it. I wouldn't get too caught up in the hype.
The US GDP is still almost triple that of the second most powerful economy (China), so they've got a long way to fall in the scheme of world power. Unfortunately the population doesn't see things in such a rosy light. No doubt they will be pissed, but let's face it, they've got a substantially higher standard of living than some of the other super powers out there! (China, India).
Things are definitely set to change over the next 10 years! I think 50 years will be VASTLY different to how they are now!