Don't forget you will probably have to do an IMS240 test if you have a modified exhaust so budget a couple of grand for that(pits will te3ll you if you need this test)
Which club are running this ??
A guy called Tim has been copping a lot of SH** on other forums for the money never actually going to the said nominated charities..
These tests were first bought up 2 years ago and Kostecki's were the only company to get off their arse and do something about it so i don't really blame them for making what they can out of it til others decide to get their sh** together
coventrys are the agent for either exedy or extreme clutch's
i run a exedy 5 puck in my gtr and it is fine
or if you want the best get a jim berry clutch from over east
in Peth a vehicle movement permit costs $17.50 you need this to be able to drive to the pits for car to be examined
a vehicle exam costs $87 i think and rego cost is about $450 a year