Car: 19993 r32 gtr
Insurance company: Torque
age: 43
driving history: heaps of fines
gender: Male
mods: pods exhaust turbo timer boost controller
post code: 6110
garage y/n: yes
alarm: yes
insured amount: $30 000
market or agreed value: agreed
insured in parents name? their both dead
alarm category: unknown
excess: $1000
defensive driving course: nope
stereo covered:yes
wheels covered: yes
windscreen replacement y/n: yes
no claim bonus protection: yes
age excess: yes
voluntary excess:no
pensioner discount: no
specified valuables covered: yes
Choice of repairer: yes
How many quotes needed for repairs: 2
covered for motorsport events: no
pay by the month: yes
do they do insurance file checks: ????
understanding, not JUST insurance:
Comprehensive: yes which covers all below
Property Injury Liability or Property Damage Coverage:
Liability coverage:
Bodily Injury Coverage :
Collision Coverage:
vehicle under finance:no
been refused insurance before:no
have a criminal record:no
age of youngest driver: 30
private or business use: private
special colour paint: yes
driven only on weekends: nope is a daily 25000k in the last 12 months
member of a cams car club discount: no
bundled with home insurance discount: no