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Everything posted by gazza750

  1. No he is saying they are the same
  2. search motive dvd on you tube they have some good clips like this one
  3. i was thinking Bristile /Austral is all full time and to start they get them from integrated or they used to when i worked at the Malaga plant as an operator. Try Caltex they always need staff and they use lots of Uni students etc . Or if you go on Antilag forums in the off topic section they have a jobs board and quite often Carlton United are looking for warehouse staff on there as a member is in charge of job placement etc.
  4. try http://stores.shop.ebay.com.au/Castle-Hill...m-Options.html_ contact them and they may be able to help
  5. read the forced induction section of the forums for an ic it has been answered thousands of times already also read the consolidated workshop thread for a workshop that can install and probably supply it
  6. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Nissan-Skyline-DR30...=item4aa07e8ebc
  7. There is one posted up on antilag http://www.antilag.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37335 City west car park 8:30pm meet
  8. indicator is inside the stovetop tail lighs on the coupe indicator is under the stovetop tail lights on the sedan easy
  9. Put it in the for sale section with the price you think it is worth If you sell it for high price be happy You can always drop price after a while
  10. head up to Barbagello and you see this racing frequently
  11. Good result for Ash
  12. sik em wrex in mandurah would be ya best bet i think
  13. try using the search function this topic is posted every bloody week and everyone gets sick of answering the same questions over and over again
  14. 34 Neo is the way to go
  15. ps ::: if he does want to sell it send me a message i can handle my mrs wanting to kill me for another Datto in the garage lol
  16. just get the shop to do it then you have piece of mind of warranty and if anything breaks its covered under that quote Cam ! why the comment of sell it ??? C210's are getting harder and harder to find so keeping them on the road is the right thing to do
  17. am running 18 psi @5000 then slopes back to 14 psi @6900 rpm my stock snails are still fine
  18. Imports 101 sell an oil return system runs from welsh plug @ rear of head down into sump
  19. simple answer is yes it will be legal if it is signed off by an engineer and approved by pits examiners
  20. and ???????? if you state that then you should state the reason any 98 is better for a high performance car . Ultimate offers no gains over Vortex 98 and vica-versa
  21. well it happened in my 1993 gtr thats why i had to rebuild
  22. L20et in a hr 30 i had an S15 radiator with a few mods to mount it
  23. Air Flow Meter ? have you checked that
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