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  1. he sent me the exact same message must be a scam of some sort
  2. it has to be too good to be true doesnt it
  3. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi...mMakeTrack=true why the hell is that so cheap?
  4. http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/5056/smashedqd0.jpg http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/3386/smash3db7.jpg http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/9114/smash2nb5.jpg http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/8996/burnt1fz9.jpg http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/3961/burnt3fh1.jpg http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/8624/smash1ot6.jpg
  5. cops called this morning they found the car which was crashed and on fire the mrs went and looked today and apprently they hit the boot with a pick and engine or some such crap ill get more info later tonight... i was quoted when the douch comment was made i didnt mean to sound like i was angry at anyone in particular was just in a bad mood and angry in general also id like to add it doesnt really matter what alarm you have if they want the car bad enough they will take it. the mrs car had an alarm with a pager ( a fob on her keys with a screen and a pic of a car that goes off vibrates and makes noices depending on whats going on) and had immobiliser but it obviosuly didnt stop them. witnesses said they saw the thief(s) hitting the dash area with what looked like to be a pole so maybe they found wires or something to use to start it..
  6. made guy how the f**k can that remind you that you need to shave? what a stupid comment
  7. hey guys the mrs called me at about 7 tonight to say her car had been stolen from her work in robina if anybody has any info or see the car can you please contact me on 0433 486 386 cheers heres a pic of it... ps it has vic plates on it http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/7036/10032007045hj9.jpg
  8. putting this on here for a mate whos selling his cr250 all the info is on ebay. its a top bike if anyone is looking for a 250 2 stroke you should go and have a look at this bike its well looked after heres the link please dont reply here call or sms the number on the ebay add cheers http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Honda-CR-250_W0QQit...1QQcmdZViewItem

    New To Sau

    is there a skid pan on the gold coast? or will we have to travel near brissy?
  10. NVMYTG

    New To Sau

    haha she isnt married. was weired we were just heading to australia fair shopping centre and saw all these skylines so we thought we would follow them. ill try and con her into going on some cruises sometime soon
  11. done Leon cheers
  12. cheers i may do that i figured out that if i earth the purple wire and give the yellow +12 it locks and if i give the yellow wire an earth and the purple +12 it unlocks Leon do you have msn
  13. ok which wire does both? and is it +12 that triggers it or an earth?
  14. all i need to know is if they are negativly tiggered and whiich wires to use if anybody knows it would be much appreciated
  15. yeah im fairly sure they are nagativley tiggered. im just needed any ideas thats all
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