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No Crust Racing

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Everything posted by No Crust Racing

  1. lol that's not equivalent in my eyes sorry.
  2. Tell'im girl.
  3. I've never understood this. The sensation of having your dick sucked would well and truly be overruled by the sensation of having a dick in your mouth.
  4. There's nothing about you that "ain't so bad". Everything is far worse than that
  5. Doesn't matter, still reads well on this end for max lols.
  6. LOL, he called it
  7. If we didn't talk shit about the 1%ers we'd never post in here because the basics are pretty much undisputed. In more interesting news, my new swaybar links arrived, now I just need the bars to get here.
  8. Good info, thanks for that. Obviously prices have improved (and will hopefully continue to do so). Realistically, as long as I restrain myself and keep on track for some other goals I committed too, I'm a good year or 2 away from doing this but I like keeping across where it's up to.
  9. You are silly - you asked for that it may or may not be what I think but you asked for it and I like to deliver. People often throw around the 20k figure for a new transaxle, but you'd have to think Willall could rebuild one with upgraded internals and all the newer MYXX upgrades for less.
  10. This has been a good read for me (I started the other thread). I'm leaning a bit more towards 35 these days, especially with the comments about a full service worth of fluids costing only 1k and normal services being under $500 - plus when I buy one it'll likely be out of warranty and I'm more than happy to service it myself (if I can get it into my shed lol). I'm thinking maybe another year or two as I want to achieve a certain financial goal first to help me swallow the guilt of dropping that coin on a car (I'm not rich just good at budgeting). Hopefully by then I can pickup a nice 11+ model with the newer bumper and less box issues. Tell me, is there anything special I need to do to get one with all black interior? I don't like the red ascents.
  11. What am I misreading, I don't think we've swapped places. You were low 80's, now mid 80's. I was low 80's (but started from high 80s before getting sick/injured. ) and am now mid 80s. Though I have gotten and stayed weaker overall and have no great desire to push hard to regain it. Will be adopting a very very slow and steady attitude with very small increases over long periods. Just trying to stay in shape.
  12. lol, OK. "we see it differently and that's completely OK." In other news, added a tiny amount of weight to chins and dips again, ready to start putting weight back on the bench also I think. Been doing sprints on the bike to make up for resting lower back (no squats). Back up to 85kg in the mornings, was as low as 82. A session only takes 20-30mins tops as I'm using 30/60sec breaks.
  13. You just compared skinny kids in gyms to kids dying in warzones.... let that just sink in for a moment. You might be taking heath a fitness a little too seriously IMO, but it's not my place to pass judgment on how you go about your business and given my mantra of not my problem or my business for inconsequential stuf, I'll let you have the last say on this one as I have nothing more to add. No, jimmies not rustled, just nothing more to say as we see it differently and that's completely OK.
  14. Because in the end it's not your problem and none of your business lol Feel pain sure, we all do, but sometimes the level of carry on in here is as if someone was coming up to you everyday and asking you for advice constantly then blatantly saying to your face you are wrong. The only problem there is the time sink. I also feel that pain about people obsessing over macros etc, I was the skinny dude too, 65kg wringing wet, and I took the advice offered and applied it. If they ignore it and get no results, and don't have enough brains to realise they must do things differently, well tough titties to them, enjoy being a rake.
  15. Can't say I give two f**ks if someone spends all their time doing isolations. Can I bench more than them? Probably. Do they have a nicer looking body than mine? Probably. Set your goals and go for them, stop giving such a damn what the hell everyone else is doing. If what they're doing is impacting you, blocking equipment etc, sure speak up. But if the biggest issue any of us have is that gym bro is going for aesthetics and we aren't, then it's probably time to unbunch your panties and stop paying so much attention to everyone else.
  16. Did that guy absolutely have to get in front of you right before that corner... I assume he was definitely racing for position at that point in the day....
  17. I have no choice now that I'm old and busted. Managed to back it up last night, so it's looking a fair bit better.
  18. While all you guys fluff around with special diets and exercises, I managed to complete 3 sets of everything last night (still at reduced weight and in some cases BW only) and have no shoulder complaints this morning. *flex* Yeah, you like that.
  19. Not it doesn't go flat out of the car and this issue pre-dates that relay.
  20. So many options these days. Contour Cam, DriftCam, Sony make some good ones now, plus all the cheaper chinese knock offs are getting quite good. Even JayCar sells something half decent. Doesn't seem like you can go wrong these days if all you need is in car and will be putting it on youtube. External footage is different as you need decent casings and wind proofing for sound etc, plus you might want something with external mic ability and at least remote start/stop but so many cameras have that now.
  21. lol great pic of the boys, jocks and all, save that one for later years
  22. Twin 3 year old boys...
  23. Nice work on the cooking. I went and got my exercise bike back this weekend so I can do some cardio and a little leg work that's easier on my ankle and back. Also, that 65% session was actually bit more than I thought when I did the numbers. I have't gym'd since last Wednesday =\
  24. Just finished a 65% session. Very minimal twinging. See how it pulls up. I'd call that successful but we'll see tomorrow.
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