Maybe I've made this sound worse than it is, I'm far from crippled. I'm not getting "fat" I'm just a little heavier than I was, but given that since I had to cut squats and DL's I've been doing a little more upper body that's not that unusual. I'll be around 88-89kg in the morning, yet my abs are getting more defined through planking (and maybe less eating) though my chest/shoulders have gotten bigger.
I can still bench, am doing flat and incline, still doing weighted chins and dips, some lunges, calf raises, planks and other back stretches etc all 3 x weekly and all 3x10 in most cases. Getting in a couple of 3-4k walks a week also plus the usual lawn mowing etc. I've got pain, but it's something I can work through and I'm staying active despite it. Occasionally if I do a really back strenuous thing for me, like whipper snipping last weekend or this weekend I'm cleaning the garage out and resealing the slab in there, I'll take a few ibuprofen and spend a little time with a hot wheat bag on my bag to help with my vagina pain.
This is all fine for now, just trying to think forward to not end up a saggy manboob bro.