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No Crust Racing

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Everything posted by No Crust Racing

  1. Out to cut people deep today Trollga lol
  2. Hahah "Hi Leesh!" Nice.
  3. I think what's alarming is that nothing I do will ever change the fact that I will die.
  4. Links? I'm eager to hear the opposing view point from genuinely knowledgeable people, not keyboard warriors. I take the mouse thing with a grain of salt. A friend of mine, in Melbourne, works in a lab that uses mice for cancer research, the positive effects of that research have translated to humans so saying a test was done on a mouse as a reason for dismissing it is pretty stupid, a lot of testing is done on animals before it goes to human trials.
  5. Assuming everybody has heard about this already. Concerning.... http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/health-science/highprotein-diets-shorten-lifespan-two-studies-say/story-e6frg8y6-1226845532190
  6. You know you'll always be my bodyguard.
  7. Sensational man, really happy for you, so jealous of the Squat and DL =D Happy because you've worked hard for it and happy because your attitude has been excellent since the beginning, no bullshit, no ego, just getting in there and getting it done. *BroHug*
  8. Just buy one. I've gotten heaps of use out of mine, it's just an eBay cheapy.
  9. lol, get off my lawn *waves cane*
  10. Maybe I've made this sound worse than it is, I'm far from crippled. I'm not getting "fat" I'm just a little heavier than I was, but given that since I had to cut squats and DL's I've been doing a little more upper body that's not that unusual. I'll be around 88-89kg in the morning, yet my abs are getting more defined through planking (and maybe less eating) though my chest/shoulders have gotten bigger. I can still bench, am doing flat and incline, still doing weighted chins and dips, some lunges, calf raises, planks and other back stretches etc all 3 x weekly and all 3x10 in most cases. Getting in a couple of 3-4k walks a week also plus the usual lawn mowing etc. I've got pain, but it's something I can work through and I'm staying active despite it. Occasionally if I do a really back strenuous thing for me, like whipper snipping last weekend or this weekend I'm cleaning the garage out and resealing the slab in there, I'll take a few ibuprofen and spend a little time with a hot wheat bag on my bag to help with my vagina pain. This is all fine for now, just trying to think forward to not end up a saggy manboob bro.
  11. Gotchya. I think I was eating a fair bit before, so have cut it back while I'm not able to do any cardio, just to try and match the ratio of calories/work. Just thought though, I also bought some more creatine, so water weight will be a factor in my morning weight differences. Yes Birds eats bread, about a loaf a day I thought he said, but I'm not doing the Euro training.
  12. Metabolic capacity - Elaborate.
  13. Cheers, managed 2min back plank also so that's a reasonable step up from the 30secs I was flat out doing a few weeks back. Have continued with religious daily stretching and back specific stretches/movements and I think I might be seeing some small signs of improvement. I also seem to be gaining weight again despite eating less, so I'd attribute that to lunges and calf raises putting a little back on in my legs and butt. Gonna struggle to fit in my race suit and the seat I think =\
  14. Pegs it is, problem solved
  15. Saggy at 60 is different to saggy in your 40s. One is inevitable to an extent one is a bit more of a choice. I'm not taking about being saggy when I'm retired.
  16. Lol no. With lighter weight on it out should shrink a bit over time. In only talking going from 8 to 10 reps. But given I've already find that on everything already it'll just be less weight same reps. Again, what's a better game plan. Im no expert. Just got a 3min front plank. Take that herniated disc.
  17. What's a better game plan then, legit question. My theory is if the muscle is a little smaller through lighter weights higher reps and my body fat is lower through cardio and diet I should be OK. I know muscle itself doesn't sag but the connective tissues do. Less weight on those would help. Less fat is always going to help.
  18. Fingers crossed
  19. At 70? Who cares. But at 45, I'll still care
  20. Hahah, that's my thinking too, but I more so mean I'll step down in weights and move more into cardio as I get older. For that leaner less bulky look and hopefully that will help keep me tight like a tiger.
  21. Mine are big enough now. I don't want them to be any bigger to make it easier when my metabolism slows more and I find it harder to change weight as easy. My thinking is that as I get older I'll slowly lean off a bit over time to avoid sag if possible lol
  22. Is this supposed to be a thinly veiled jab somehow? Despite me having already said I wouldn't be lecturing anyone based on having injured myself with poor form/mechanics? If so, lol Nice job dude. I'm slowly bringing up that 3rd incline set, started out at 54kg and the bar was very hard to control, now got about 75 on it and managing 10 reps (just) after doing 10 then 8 at of flat something just over 100, think it's like 102.5 or so. Thinking I might drop the second flat bench set and swap in another incline set as I don't want too big man titties (I have cut eating also to assist until I can do some decent cardio again).
  23. Sorry son, she just loves a good dose of the daily news you know.
  24. You're mum doesn't mind rehashing it.
  25. Old news is old.
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