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No Crust Racing

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Everything posted by No Crust Racing

  1. I can't say I notice it visually. Just a touch leaner in a couple spots maybe. It could also just be a drop in muscle mass from being sick as arms feel smaller. All good though, I was looking to drop a couple kgs. Nice work on your DL by the way, only 15 or so kg behind all I could manage and you weigh a lot less so pound for pound much stronger.
  2. Gym'd last night, mixed back. Got to out 6 reps on the 3rd set of bench but crushed the pull ups, assuming due to weight loss, dips were oddly had though. Spent a good 90 mins in the roof the day before running cable and re-sealed the pergola which took about 4hrs on the weekend so back has had a bit of a flogging again. Physio this morning who says it's feeling better to him and I can start to use it a bit more though he noted it's getting plenty of use in my house project work already. Upped the resistance and reps on the glute medius band stretch, brutal lol like a corky in the butt cheek. Weighed 85.5kg this morning, normally I'm about 88. I actually don't mind this though as I was wanting to drop a few KG. It's weird though as I'm fully hydrated again but the weight did not return so it can't have been too much water weight.
  3. Alive again. Picked up a gastro type bug and spent a lot of time hating life. Dropped 2-3kg, did not gym last night lol Back at work today, see how I feel tomorrow. The time spent lying down was good for my back but I need to get back into the phsyio movements now.
  4. Harry's Laptimer for iPhone, which also does video recording and video overlay on the handset.
  5. Maybe when I was doing the 116 reps, but not a chance at the moment. Lack of core drive from my back has had a notable impact. I was doing 100s easy before 8/8/8 but a weaker back and a little time off has dropped 1-2 reps off that 3rd set, so no chance of making that 130-140 now. Either way, not fussed, have never cared about 1RMs for myself, love to see people hit their goals though.
  6. Supposed to cut fat, man, not weight on lifts. #youdiditwrong
  7. Never tried, could not fit any more weight on the bar with the smaller increments I had, need a few more 20s and 10s.
  8. I've actually cut back on the calories a little as my sessions have only been 30mins tops and haven't been walking with Kate much as I've just been too busy on house and shed stuff plus all the social events that happen around this time of year. Still having WPC, but just with water and have dropped a couple snacks from my diet. I needed to do that anyway after my week in QLD bingeing. I've never known how reps translate to 1RMs, but I couldn't imagine me bencing 130.
  9. For your car, so I can if you have eleventy boosts or not.
  10. Link to build thread.
  11. I doubt it.
  12. Boost is more important than all of this.
  13. Not great mate, I've backed everything off and stopped doing 5x5 and gone back to 3x8. So now just doing a bit over 100kegs, but failing on the 8th rep of the 3rd set at the moment because I've been off the gym for a bit. Just focusing on trying to get my back right. When I was having a little go at one point earlier I ran out of space on the bar at 116 or so and managed 7 continuous reps, so not really stellar. Was trying some of Rev's stuff, so you'd do as many 116s as you could, then do singles to say 18 total reps, working my way up to 30 total reps, which I did. But oddly did not see any improvement in my initial continuous reps portion, probs not eating/sleeping enough. So for now, just dropped it right back to bit over 100, think it's 102.x and go for my 8/8/6-7 as that seems to be an OK number for me at the moment while I work on my lower back.
  14. You can cut out the face if you want but for science leave it in and let us decide.
  15. If she's a dancer with good flexibility we need pics... For science.
  16. lol good rest day you goose. Be careful with squatting today. you've blitzhed a few major and minor muscle groups that you're going to be taxing again.
  17. Most of them are too busy with their own stuff and I can't be bothered waiting.
  18. Managed to get into those 3 movs a bit more, probably doing them all twice a day. Gym'ed Monday, a 2 setter only and again on Wednesday going 3 sets but failing on all at around the 6-7th rep on the 3rd set. At the moment I'm going physio stretch, bench, physio stretch, chins, physio band move, dips, maybe a set of rows or some planking. Saw physio again this morning, he said back feels like it;s moving a little better, but I've not noticed any difference in discomfort as I've been working on the shed. Sealed all the floor which was 4+hrs of bending/twisting. Then mounted a ceiling fan, so climbing around in the roof cavity etc. Not easy on a sore back. Physio said go ahead and drop in a 20 rep set of empty bar squats and see how you feel but I might hold that off as I have to clean and reseal the pergola this weekend and do some more work around the house, joy. I see what you mean Birds, some Tom Clancy shit right there.
  19. No good mate, hopefully it's nothing major.
  20. What Birds said. I'd rather exercise more instead of eating less.
  21. Nice deading Leesh. So jelly!
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