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No Crust Racing

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Everything posted by No Crust Racing

  1. Didn't gym Friday, did a few warmup benches and my shoulders and forearms were not happy from the shoveling on Thursday. Mowed lawns instead. Ended up having to do another hour and half of shovel and rake work yesterday and my back has been really unhappy about it. Like I've gone backwards a few weeks =\ I was going to work on the car today but my shed slab is down and apparently it's going to be hot today so I may have to stay here and keep it wet. Bummers all round (except the shed slab that's a win).
  2. Nice work, keep it up.
  3. Hahah, ITT Birds starts bulking.
  4. I'm probs more in line with your view I'd say.
  5. I haven't dead lifted for months I was the typical skinny ripped in high school. I just did sit-ups and chin-ups.
  6. What do you mean if you were skinny? In high school you'd have been a rake lol Now you're a fatter rake? Lunch time! DING DING DING EDIT: Oh I agree also, people taking offense to mums is stupid, Kate is kg or two heavier now than she was pre-pregnancy - boobs - and people are on at her about what diet she used None. I kept eating healthy and I walk every day (until she can get back to running) It's not rocket surgery people.
  7. I'd agree with that, Girls/Guys different views that is. I've already got a missus, so I'd honestly say I care more about how other guys perceive me. In that, I'd rather look a bit bigger and more intimidating so people might be less likely to try shit. You've got a bit more height which makes up for that though, us short guys have to rely on width instead
  8. I'd personally disagree and I'm a member of the public. People do like a ripped look, but size is fairly keen. At 80kg and you're height that's pretty lean still. Me ripped at 80 maybe, but I'm only 6ft. Either way, you're happy, I'm happy for you, and Leesh is really happy so everyone is winning.
  9. Maybe he should stfu then. Nobody wants to hear the hulk take a shit or some guy slamming down the bar every rep. Some vocalization is fine but there's a line.
  10. Spent a bit over 2 hours on the back of a shovel, rake and pitch fork last night transplanting some good grass that was removed from the shed site into a patch that had bad grass. My back, leg and neck are far from impressed. Forearms are also not pleased. Will see how I feel later and make a call on gym tonight as I've got work to do on the car this weekend as well.
  11. 29? You make me sick.
  12. The faggotry is strong in this one lol Still reckon you need to size up a bit, but I know you like your hektic lean look.
  13. Nice work Leesh and Rev.
  14. Lol you top bloke But for the record, Some good definition going on there man. No homo? All the homo!
  15. That's a good look to have in my opinion, in the 80's not too fat but with a bit of shape etc. That's what I try for, I look good enough with a shirt off but still have shape with it in and I still eat what I like more or less (smart choices but not holding back too much on portions etc). I have a mirror selfie floating around in my build thread a few pages back, I'm happy enough looking that way, maybe a touch leaner in ze abba dabbers.
  16. Ant why do you think they have to be exclusive? You can lift decent weight, look decent and still eat and drink what you like. I only see it as being the difference between looking good in and out of a shirt or just in one. That is, when you eat what you like and train you will look decent in a shirt but not as much out of one, or you can eat really well and train and look good shirtless too. I was a skinny kid and paranoid about being skinny so I tend to be happy with a bit of extra fat/size on me and eating what I like. At the expense of having great abs. Now I just have "ok" abs. Thread has gotten more action today than Bird's has all year.
  17. I'd say Deads is the most enjoyable for me, when I can do them, but Bench has always had a special place for me for some reason. I think because when I started out I went hard at it because I desperately wanted a chest. After that I became a curl bro.
  18. I'm still doing weights so still enjoy eating, but I do eat a lot cleaner now at 31
  19. I'm 31 also to add that in. When I had a good year off gym to fix injuries and just jogged daily, I dropped back to 78-79kg. When doing weights I hover in the high 80s, some fat (I love to get my eat on) some muscle. Being a young skinny guy sucks, some of us know first hand. So buy a fast car and make girls laugh, you'll still win. I did
  20. Nice work Birds, circle jerks all round.
  21. Agree with Ant, mine noticeably dropped a notch around 24-25 and maintaining a weight I was happy with became easier. I now hold between 85-89 pretty easily. I'm 6ft but slight of build (small wrists etc). Chin up, you'll get there.
  22. I was 65kg when I left school, and it took a solid year of training and eating like a horse to gain weight, now I can hold it as my metabolism has slowed. It will happen and you can make it happen faster but listen to me when I say that the eating will be as much of a task if not more than the lifting. You will need to eat for 3 people.
  23. Awww shit nigga! Git sum!
  24. Kids these days...
  25. Have you seen some 16yr olds today dude? They scare me. I know that feel though, I did a tourny in Melbourne years back (MMA wasn't around back then in Aus this was freestyle martial arts). Supposed to be none contact at that skill level, guy kicks me in the balls TWICE, not an accident. Lifts me off the canvas on the second go. So after I got my nuts out of my throat I broke his nose next point. Mates cheered, and I never washed the blood off the mitts. Good times were had by all. If not for the cup, I would not have a daughter...
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