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No Crust Racing

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Everything posted by No Crust Racing

  1. The question is, do I mean Birds the car window lover, or do I mean Birds colloquial - that is, ladies.
  2. Now that's pretty rough. You need to sandpaper your face or something and make your skin tougher...
  3. And if he had his way you'd have more Birds on you. We can't always have what we want lol
  4. lol you girls and losing it, generalising yes but if the shoe fits... I know that feel, I can't squat or DL anything, but I'm not that stressed about it because there's a bit more to life than what I can squat or DL. I'm staying active and healthy and I'm not a fat kent so why stress. IF I had a really important goal in mind or something I'd care more, but I'm chilling a bit now. Not saying you should too, just chucking in my 2 cents and spamming Fig's thread.
  5. Failing really is a part of progress.
  6. I've had 2 weeks off before and it only takes a week or 2 tops to get back to where you were. I have a process on how I come back from breaks. If it's been a week my first session will be same weights but only 2 sets of the 3 on the first session, maybe also the second then full everything on the 3rd. If it's been 2 weeks I'll drop a little weight and do 2 sets first session, full weight but 2 sets second session, then full weight full sets 3rd session. I've done this a number of times as I make a point of taking week long breaks every now and then to recover small niggles etc. Always works a treat for me.
  7. Woah woah, set it up? This isn't NASA son, we don't play that atari shit round these parts. (I work in IT... )
  8. He's too fat to consider something as fine as cutting. He needs to chisel slabs off for a while first.
  9. Sounds awesome but too involved for lazy me. I'm trying to bring some fun back into the workout for the moment.
  10. They're too busy avoiding you after catching you staring at theirs lol
  11. Getting props from random gym girl, lol nice. In my head she's really hot and you two end up making out.
  12. max effort's aren't always pretty Leesh, if they are they are not your max. Given you did so many reps prior, you'd pull 95 with ease if you weren't as fatigued - if we're just talking how good your 1RM looks. Probably find you can pull 105-110 without all that volume first BUT I know why you do volume and that's fine, just saying, don't stress if your 95 wasn't beautiful.
  13. Tablet/in my head. I'm relaxing my approach a little as I've got enough size and weight, 6ft and 88kg is heavy set enough for me as I'm a fairly fine boned person (small wrists etc) So I'm just playing with weights and exercises to see what feels good and allows slow progress, as in only getting 20 reps on a 24 rep scheme for bench means it's too heavy so I'll drop it back to where I can get say at least 22 and work from there. With the legs just keeping them going while I sort out what's up with my back/leg. Walking to try and burn some extra calories and trim up a little while the planking is to get some core strength back as no squatting means far less core recruitment than I needed previously and the Chiro recommended them.
  14. Awesome job on the deads, keep in mind I never got about 110-115 or so before busting myself up again and you're a good 20-30kg lighter than me, doing fantastic
  15. Gym last night, think I'll drop a touch off the bench again as I'm hitting 8-7-5 and I'd rather be going 8-8-8 or at worst 8-8-6 8-7-5 at 110 = 2200kg, 8-8-6 at 105 = 2305kg and if I go 100kg it's 2400kg lifted if I get them all(which I should come close to). So I'm playing with weights at the moment to get as much volume as I can right now. Did a bunch of 20 reps BW squats between sets of things, many sets of calf raises, some weighted (only 3kg) and many sets of lunges plus my planks etc. Chins I went 8-8-6 at 20kg and felt I was pulling higher and clearing the bar more. Dips I added 1.25 and made the full 3x8 at 26.25kg - just. Went for a 3k walk up the hill also. Murica.
  16. It won't, well done
  17. That should be enough then, and supps aren't needed if you're diet is good Mine isn't so I supp a little.
  18. I'm thinking you're right. Aside from the obvious mechanical problems of the leg rotating out foot roll inwards. A podiatrist will help me with that though.
  19. To stop people's bad habit of looking at the ground and allowing the upper back to round. Chin up chest up. That was covered in those so you think you can squat videos, which I though you showed me.
  20. A good stretch after a workout helps me avoid doms, that and a protein shake straight away with some creatine in it. My interest in supps is purely recovery and they work for me in that regard.
  21. But really, it's home time and the guys are at my place doing site works on my shed then I have to get to a mates place to work on my car. Catch.
  22. Now we're onto costs....
  23. I are confused. But I did download that PDF, which is now on my tablet.
  24. Hah, cheers. No, just prem-tmping you after you got into me the other day about being a fat kent lol I didn't realise Butt Wink was a move/thing/issue, thought you were being a smart ass. Learning every day.
  25. Yes yes, I'm eating better and doing more cardio, so I'm not as fat. Fasting is still gay. The same issue? What's that in your opinion, lack of knowledge?
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