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No Crust Racing

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Everything posted by No Crust Racing

  1. Your partly right, I don't know why my leg rotates out and my foot rolls in, I need to educate myself on that front. I'll see a specialist, do some more reading etc. The rest is really just "in general, what improves mobility?" stretching specific exercises etc? I "guess" the answer is all of the above and then some. I see what you mean about wanting a magic bullet rather than just finding out the answers to those questions myself. Which after talking about it, is what I should be doing to some extent. By "to some extent" I mean because my "issues" are probably complicated by the previous injuries so a specialists still seems like a good idea to me. No harm done.
  2. It's all good, not expecting a web diagnoses. This was just a general conversation topic more than anything. "People often talk about "improving mobility" but how is that done really? Stretching? Stretching with weight? Actual exercises? Corrective equipment (orthotics etc)" This was a bit more specific though. "My "bad" leg wants to rotate out and that foot wants to roll over onto the inside. How do you specifically fix something like that when it occurs with no weight on board." But I know the answer is almost always going to be, see someone, it could be a million things, show us a vid etc. Which I might do next gym session to add to the discussion and to assist anyone else who might come in here or have the same issue. I'm pretty verbose, not disputing that. SAU has a great ignore feature, I've got a few people on there so it might be a good idea to use that. Again, not being a smart arse, just a suggestion to make your life easier. Not looking for a magic bullet at all, discussion, suggestions, sure. Yours was buy a specific book you liked, thank you for the suggestion. I'll keep it in mind if I have no luck at the Chrio and Podiatrist.
  3. "already thrown in your 2 cents, you don't need to reply. " What is this thread/sub-forum coming to these days, almost can't talk about anything gym or supp related without somebody getting their nose out of joint. Guess we better close the thread, as every topic has already been discussed and we never ever cross the same ground twice. Your reply could have been as simply as; "I think I mentioned before, I bought the book "Supple as a Leopard" for $60, best thing I ever did, give it a whirl". I don't think I could be accused of not trying different things, but I haven't followed your exact suggestion of buying that book so judge away.
  4. Fair enough, I'm addressing things bit by bit and spending on trying to fix/avoid/repair etc so it's not like I'm not dong what's been suggested, sans buying a book, though I read plenty online. The question is more so for those who have had success with a particular process/concept etc. You mention you bought a book, I'm reading online, we're both reading. I get what you are saying. What have others had success with? It's just a discussion. If you're not up for that sort of discussion or have already thrown in your 2 cents, you don't need to reply. Not being a smart ass.
  5. Which implies you think the first point is the better one. So how does one specifically improve that? I'll be seeing a Podiatrist soon to see what's going on mechanically as I do not move anywhere near the same as I used to. People often talk about "improving mobility" but how is that done really? Stretching? Stretching with weight? Actual exercises? Corrective equipment (orthotics etc) My "bad" leg wants to rotate out and that foot wants to roll over onto the inside. How do you specifically fix something like that when it occurs with no weight on board.
  6. Went to Chiro, she said keep up the exercise, said back required less correction this time and recommended a local Podiatrist. Will make an appointment with him to see what we can do mechanically to avoid further issues, improve mobility etc. I'll get this sorted eventually. The 13th was a year since I broke my leg and dislocated my ankle. Also, sit works for my shed starts today, woo.
  7. It's better than nothing by a long shot. Keep it up.
  8. Yeah but I do less than 25 reps per exercise to your 100 lol
  9. lol I'll be honest, I get far more cardio out of hard bike riding than I do weights. But I don't feel like I'm going to pass out when I've really pushed on the bike, just puffed.
  10. So go to 42.5 or 45?
  11. Have you tried? You might be surprised. But Rev is a machine, we all know this. I'm pretty sure he was sent back in time to change the future for one lucky lady.
  12. Agreed, I just don't think the Physio is trained to deal with my particular issue at present. The ankle is simply stretch as much as you can and keep using it and that's as good as it'll get, which I' say is probably 80% as good as it was. It's plenty strong, but it the ROM is not stellar and that impairs other exercises, like squats. My back is either a DL or squat issue, I'd say squat, caused by ankle not moving properly. Once the Chrio helps me out there, I'll move on to a Podiatrist and see about some orthotics or something. It really does kill me inside to know that what I did was permanent, I've never injured anything badly to the point where it was an ongoing problem so this has been a hard pill to swallow, which sounds dramatic given the injuries and disabilities other people live with, so I keep that in perspective. If it turns out the ankle ROM/Gait can't be "fixed" I will abandon squatting and stick to DL, I'll do lunges and take up cycling for my leg work and bonus cardio.
  13. Cheers. I've also dropped the physio I had from after the surgery, I think we were both sick of how little it was helping.
  14. Consensus on foot position when squatting? 1 school is about shoulder width apart, a little angle on feet is fine. The other tends to be, find the most comfortable position for you to allow you to get the depth you want and use that. At the moment, with my lower back being a bit funny I've just started doing sets of 20 reps (no bar or weights just BW) and fiddling with feet position. For me, feet outside shoulder width and a good 40+degrees of angle seems to be the most comfortable spot, anything narrower in the stance or straighter in the feet sees my butt want to roll under when going below parallel. When I spoke with Matt last time, he said where is comfy but there appears to be a lot of conflicting info. Thoughts?
  15. I'm off to see her again, this will be the 3rd visit and based on seeing some improement after the second I might extend it to 4-5 and see where we're at. On the gym front, back into 3x a week and 3x8 (attempting) on the few weighted exercises I do. Last night I managed: 8/8/5 at 110 on the bench. Then did 20 reps of squats with just body weight, no bar, moving feet around to find a comfy spot that allows me to get low (see main thread for question on that) Then did 20 BW calf raises on a wooden board to allow me to get lower. 20 more BW squats, 20 BW more calf raises. Managed 8/8/6 at 20kg for chins. Then did 20 alternating lunges, 10 per side, then some more calf raises, then another 20 BW squats, then another 20 lunges. Then did some REALLY light dumbell reverse deadlift type things - just feeling out my back, only had 3kg on each hand. Then managed 8/8/8 at 25kg for dips. Then did 75 sec front plank, 15sec break, 45sec side plank, 10 sec break, other side plank, 30 sec break another 45 sec front plank and called that a day. Lower back just above and central to my butt cheeks is still quite tight and tender and stretching doesn't help it (but I continue to stretch daily) but at least the really sharp grabs/twinges have eased off in my leg. Still uncomfortable but say 20% improved. After that went for a very brisk 3k walk, which I've been doing daily as advised by chrio - everything above has been ok'd by her also. I'm cutting down a little on the eating as well and weirdly I'm looking a touch leaner in the mid section but my weight is not changing.
  16. I'm with Rev on this one, I'm not sure I see squats as a great candidate for volume training, Look at Markos beginner program, 2x 20 rep sets I think it is, then as soon as you can do that, you move into more focused training and the reps drop dramatically, regardless of if you want looks/size/strength, really high reps of squats isn't a good idea, but that's just my 2 cents and I know Birds you on a program which you're great at sticking to. If you can do SIXTY reps before the knee bends in, I think you're doing fine.
  17. Solid effort is solid. Your base strength levels are very good, but you know that. What's the goal?
  18. I think she might be on the right track as I've seen some signs of improvement, or it just coincidences with the natural time needed to heal?
  19. What's Ottermode?
  20. No idea in grams, most of our meals include either staple veggies, corn, carrots, broccoli etc and then other meals have side salads, so lettuce, carrot, red/green capcisum, cucumber etc. I also have a few bits of fruit of each day. Even something like a bolognaise will have grated zucchini and carrot in it. Home made pizzas on pitas will have grated zucchini, red/green caps, mushrooms, pineapple etc. We try and include then in the majority of meals.
  21. Whatever makes you happy bruh. Within the confines of the law where possible...
  22. Silly Troy, thinking he can come in here and say anything without someone busting his chops As I said. " I'm not qualified, or care enough, to get into that side of things."
  23. LOL I do love a good cucumber.... Speaking of, I think I might be seeing some signs of improvement on that front.
  24. Yeah I'm pretty indecisive, give me a few days and I'll ask Troy what's the best way to fast lol
  25. lol no thanks, for the sake of a few extra % points of BF, I'll keep eating what I like. I'm not about gain to much from dropping a bit of extra fat, maybe some satisfaction? Which I get more than enough of by eating what I like I'm sure it could be argued that there are healthier ways to lose fat than fasting, but I'm not qualified, or care enough, to get into that side of things.
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