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No Crust Racing

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Everything posted by No Crust Racing

  1. Well if nothing else I'm finding new and interesting ways to fail, going backwards at the moment. Warmed up, did a couple of 50kg reps then moved to 116kg. Got 7 reps again and went for 8 but didn't have it. Reset the bar to 100kg, total break 2.5mins did 8 reps, had a 2min break then got another 6 before failing 7. 2min break and found 2 more kg so squeezed that on the bar and did 2 reps of 118kg and failed the 3rd Moved on to chins. Barely made 8 reps at 25kg, dropped to 22.5 and made another 7 dropped to 20kg and only got 6. Similar story for dips, started at 30kg, failed the 8th rep, dropped to 27.5, failed on the 6th, had another go and got 4 then took a very brief break and managed 2 more. Breaks unless stated are 2mins. After that did a few body weight only lunges then a plank and a side plank on both sides then another normal plank after some more lunges. I was shaking doing only 30sec planks, I was doing 2mins at one stage, weak core is weak. So fail city all round, getting weaker it seems. One session a week is not enough. Sorry for typos, on the phone.
  2. Admittedly I'm very surprised. I was almost reluctant to book in for another session but I always try and give something a fair chance.
  3. I'd be lying if I said there wasn't already a noticeable decrease in nerve discomfort in that leg. Normally when I stand It twinges every time, it's backed off a bit 0_0
  4. For everyone else, I saw a Chiro today, covered in Infirmary and my thread.
  5. Fair enough. IMO, She's doing very very well. I think she might just be a bit too hard on herself. Or, her goals are very high ones which do not come easy or soon, so it's just a matter of time and her maybe being impatient. Sorry to talk about you like you're not here Leesh, but you get me.
  6. Interesting in that the bad nerve side is not the busted foot side.
  7. Without sounding like I'm sassing you, do you follow any religion or something? Some of your comments are very Zen/Buddha type stuff. Become one with the bar etc. No paying you out, just curious as your mentality is quite different to what I normally see in/around gyms and gym threads and seems to be a big part of your arsenal.
  8. That said, if I was "going for it" tonight, regardless of if I do or don't make 8+ continuous reps, would the total reps normally go up? That is, when you were doing it, did you just keep adding reps to the total until you started seeing improvements in the continuous phase or were you just adding more and more weight every time.
  9. I don't follow the first part? I've had a full week off gym as of today, done nothing since that last session. I didn't make 8 last time so I'll see if I can at least get 8-9. After that though? I'm in two minds now, have lost a lot of momentum and interest in gym in general not being able to do squats/DLs and trying not to do anything that upsets my back/leg. So I'll see how I go tonight with the bench, if I can get 8-9 continuous then good, but after that I might drop back to a weight where I can get out 3x8s and settle on that.
  10. Rev: Was going to do some benching today, it's been a week. Would you expect to see an improvement in the continuous reps part?
  11. Saw a chrio today. Copy/paste from my thread for anyone else. She took xrays to examine and said I had a functional leg length difference (only notable when not standing/loaded up) which implies soft tissue discrepancies - no surprises there. Also my pelvis is tilted forward, putting pressure on the lower disc(s) which she feels may be impinging the nerve, she also showed me that the second lower disc when looking from the front is not sitting even, so there are other imbalances in my pelvis. Also noted that my bad foot wants to rotate outwards and roll inwards, which could be a cause or a symptom of pelvis issues. She made some "adjustments" on some special contraption of a table but I didn't feel much going on. The table raises up in sections then she pushes down and the table drops down and resets. Keep stretching, keep walking, jogging if I want and can tolerate, no weights for now (as in squats/DL), do light core work, planking etc. Going back in a week to see if there's any difference, if not she concurred with my plan of attack of seeing a podiatrist next.
  12. Back, no immediate relief. She took xrays to examine and said I had a functional leg length difference (only notable when not standing/loaded up) which implies soft tissue discrepancies - no surprises there. Also my pelvis is tilted forward, putting pressure on the lower disc(s) which she feels may be impinging the nerve, she also showed me that the second lower disc when looking from the front is not sitting even, so there are other imbalances in my pelvis. Also noted that my bad foot wants to rotate outwards and roll inwards, which could be a cause or a symptom of pelvis issues. She made some "adjustments" on some special contraption of a table but I didn't feel much going on. The table raises up in sections then she pushes down and the table drops down and resets. Keep stretching, keep walking, jogging if I want and can tolerate, no weights for now (as in squats/DL), do light core work, planking etc. Going back in a week to see if there's any difference, if not she concurred with my plan of attack of seeing a podiatrist next.
  13. IF I have no success there, I'll see a podiatrist and have a proper gait analysis done to check out my mechanics. I've never had back or pelvis issues in my life until busting my leg. But to be fair, I'd never done squats or DLs either, only ever running and lunges.
  14. Off to the Chiro at 10:15, we'll see what they say.
  15. I found that really interesting Leesh.
  16. Just watching Pt1 now, that guy describes my technique closely, butt tucking under, pressure moving forward. onto the toes. Interesting.
  17. Easier to just go and see Matt again. All I need to know is if the butt should be rounding in under/tucking under naturally or whether that should be avoided.
  18. Not yet, considering it though. Current physio has me doing nerve glide/mobility exercises but after paying close attention during stretching etc I feel as though it's coming from the lower back.
  19. I stretch daily, hip flexors, itbs, lower back, hammies etc. I am considering getting a podiatrist to do a gait analysis on me and see how uneven my mechanics are now.
  20. I was trying to go ATG as in calves touching hammys, basically as low as I can go, I find that easier than stopping half way down or a bit below parralell which feels like it would be a heap of pressure on the knees.
  21. Squatting question as I've been thinking about what I may have been doing wrong previously to aggravate my back/leg. In the lowest point of the motion, I notice my butt will tuck under a little which implies some rounding in the lower back, is that allowed/a problem/should be avoided etc? Or should I only go as low as I can before my butt wants to roll/tuck under?
  22. So close Bird man, keep going dude
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