Mixed bag last night and the last few days.
This hammy/whatever will not go away so this weekend I took it much easier than normal, only mowed lawns. Yesterday I was super ginger on the leg to the point of not bending if the hammy was going to twinge and when getting low for something letting my other (the bad side) leg do all the weight bearing, it seemed to have an affect as yesterday is the best it's felt in ages, not right but better.
Last night I warmed up as usual but only did a few sets of 3-5 squats and only at 55kg and that was enough, I did not DL or bent row. I walked after gym as the dog hadn't been, but kep the steps shorter as not to stretch out the leg. Same thing again this morning on the walk. I will continue to baby it until it goes away and if that means zero squatting for 2 weeks then so be it, I've been through this sort of thing before with my elbow which was quite bad and took me making it 100% my focus in everthing I did I for me to get it right and now it's golden so I know this method works for me.
As for gym I mixed it up a little and moved the final set weight to the second set and then added some for the final set, surprised myself a little. Amazing what you can do when you aren't burning up so much powerz squatting and DL'ing.
Bench - 93 109 116 (5)
Got the 109 sets out without issue which shows endurance is more an issue than outright power. WAs happy to get 5 reps at 116 too, the bar is full though, I will need more high weight plates to go higher than that, but really my goal was 120 and I'd say I could do that now, maybe even 130-135 which isn't bad in my mind for a self trained bencher.
Chins - 7.5 17.5 22.5 (7 failed 8)
Got the 17.5s out easy enough and almost got the 22.5 as well
Dips - 10 30 35 (6 failed 7) The dip bars are startung to look a little stressed so I may have to sit on this weight or here abouts and start adding volume, still 30+kg doesn't seem too bad.
Oh my compression sock turned up too, much tighter fit on these ones but will be wasted for a bit while I avoid leg work.