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No Crust Racing

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Everything posted by No Crust Racing

  1. Could be worth it purely for relief then. In conjunction with other things.
  2. No idea, that's half the fun of working out problems Try the infirmary thread.
  3. Your call, I don't much anything about that so not sure what it will do besides block the pain I assume? Or is it supposed to fix the problem or at least prove what it is?
  4. Ahh that's right, well I wouldn't imagine it'd be a quick fix. Unfortunately these things happen and it takes time to heal, do whatever you can to help it. Especially frustrating when you don't know exactly what the problem is. You can still do cardio though? Jog, walk, exercise bike?
  5. For your shoulder? The hardest part of recovery is often the mental aspect, especially for active people, but I've come to peace with it because I know I always come back, usually better than before. Chin up, you will get it sorted eventually.
  6. Planning my shed and have a few questions from those who have done it before. Here's what I'm planning. I will be building it myself/with mates. 7x10.5x2.7m WxLxH (11 degree roof if that matters). Gable end will have 2x 2.5x2.7m WxH roller doors. Current quote has motors on those but I think I might save the $500 and take them out. There's 1 personal access door on the quote also. That comes as a kit delivered for just under $5500 through Best Sheds (with the roller door motors taken out and $700 delivery to me but the price is substantially better than anything else I have seen so far). My questions. - Is this a decent price? I'm in Victoria if that matters. - What's the consensus on Windows? I thought about adding one up the non roller door end, this adds about $200 to the price. - What have people done insulation wise? I want it to be semi comfortable and am willing to put some basic insulation in the walls and under the roof sheet, assuming foil then batts? I will use the same kit on the doors I used on the house garage doors which worked well, it was a GDI Reflecta kit, two bits of aluminium with honeycomb material sandwiched between. I will put in at least 1 whirlybird and have a plate to block it during winter. - I'd like to paint the floor, easier to paint the slab before the shed goes up? Or can it not sit out in the weather? Appreciate any comments/feedback. Cheers
  7. I collected the cages today, when I get time I'll install it and can then comment on the quality/fit etc.
  8. Mixed bag last night and the last few days. This hammy/whatever will not go away so this weekend I took it much easier than normal, only mowed lawns. Yesterday I was super ginger on the leg to the point of not bending if the hammy was going to twinge and when getting low for something letting my other (the bad side) leg do all the weight bearing, it seemed to have an affect as yesterday is the best it's felt in ages, not right but better. Last night I warmed up as usual but only did a few sets of 3-5 squats and only at 55kg and that was enough, I did not DL or bent row. I walked after gym as the dog hadn't been, but kep the steps shorter as not to stretch out the leg. Same thing again this morning on the walk. I will continue to baby it until it goes away and if that means zero squatting for 2 weeks then so be it, I've been through this sort of thing before with my elbow which was quite bad and took me making it 100% my focus in everthing I did I for me to get it right and now it's golden so I know this method works for me. As for gym I mixed it up a little and moved the final set weight to the second set and then added some for the final set, surprised myself a little. Amazing what you can do when you aren't burning up so much powerz squatting and DL'ing. Bench - 93 109 116 (5) Got the 109 sets out without issue which shows endurance is more an issue than outright power. WAs happy to get 5 reps at 116 too, the bar is full though, I will need more high weight plates to go higher than that, but really my goal was 120 and I'd say I could do that now, maybe even 130-135 which isn't bad in my mind for a self trained bencher. Chins - 7.5 17.5 22.5 (7 failed 8) Got the 17.5s out easy enough and almost got the 22.5 as well Dips - 10 30 35 (6 failed 7) The dip bars are startung to look a little stressed so I may have to sit on this weight or here abouts and start adding volume, still 30+kg doesn't seem too bad. Oh my compression sock turned up too, much tighter fit on these ones but will be wasted for a bit while I avoid leg work.
  9. My cages have been sent, whether that's because I was fairly persistent in my nagging or because Brad has sorted things out and is clearing up a back log of work is not known to me, I'll be glad to get my hands on it though, put it in the car, and get my ass track side.
  10. Possibly, but I'd like to think I'm one of the more active stretchers/foam rollers here but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm being effective with the time spent or that there's not some other underlying issue that stretching doesn't fix. I've found in the past that I usually have to "reset" which is normally take a week or two off aggravating motions, then begin specific work for the problem areas, it took me a good few years to get my elbow right after it was hammered from all the bro curls but now it's as good as it's ever been, it just takes time (hopefully not that long though as I've learned a lot about how to recovery from these sorts of things). I'll get there.
  11. Cheers will keep in mind.
  12. Is there any big ticket form failure that leads to sore lower back?
  13. I have been Physio and Myo
  14. And if it was what things could I be trying?
  15. It's not doms if it's during the exercise though?
  16. I dunno, looking from the back. It's the just above the back of the knee towards the outside. Where you feel the tendon raise up when flexed.
  17. I have with the Physio and initially I struggled but got better. Thin 'g is I'm doing all the piriformis, sij, and hip flexor stretches and foam rolling already. Pretty much the whole area actually I stretch and foam roll the whole thing from calves to upper back daily.
  18. I should add that doing a sciatic nerve stretch (sitting with legs out in front and tilting head down) also twinges in the same spot making me wonder if its the hammy at all.
  19. Solid effort.
  20. Also, if you're getting quite tight to the point of notable discomfort in the lower back when squatting (low bar) what does that imply about the form? leaning too far forward? core not tight enough? weak posterior chain?
  21. Ugh that sucks man, hope it heals up quick. I've also got an injury question. This hammy of mine doesn't want to get better and was quite tender last night. Everything I read says rest it, but I took a week off at one point and it made no difference. I also read that repeated hammy strains are indicative of hip flexor issues, or weakness in the glutes or adductors. I also noticed quite a bit of lower back tightness/discomfort when squatting recently. Any ideas on what it might be/what I could do to sort it?
  22. Thanks all. I think I've got it. Just gotta sort out what's going on in my hammy/pelvies etc. Slowly but surely
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