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No Crust Racing

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Everything posted by No Crust Racing

  1. This is what I'm talking about. Bro tip for you, drop the attitude. We're all pretty friendly in here, despite differing goals and abilities.
  2. It's cool dude, everyone is entitled to an opinion and for lots of us it's trial an error, unless you train with Markos then it's just success success success 3% does seem low though, DEXA scan I assume?
  3. Seen it so many times, still lol every time.
  4. No mention of height or what your goal was or what you lifted, so this could very well be absolute fail city if you weren't squatting over 200 and DL'ing WELL over 200. Even still, not everybody is out to get "big" some people want to be ripped, some people want to be big and give no f**ks for definition, some people want to be strong and give no f**ks for looks. All are acceptable goals. If we can avoid the pissing contest that would be ace. To be fair, you walked into this thread, with a bunch of guys (and Leesh) who at least talk shit to each other on the regular, and started kicking sand around, that's not going to win you any friends even if what you say is fully or partially correct. I also think Birds is too skinny, but he has a look he wants and he's going for that. Even if my lifts were better than his it would still be fine for him to aim for whatever goal he wanted using whatever diet.
  5. I'd say it's more homo'morph.
  6. Oh Birds, I don't doubt your approach or results, but you look like a chop when you post that picture (again) lol Plz get new selfie kthx. And that's coming from someone who likes you enough to say I don't dislike you lol No (all the) homo.
  7. I've got some abs, and my weight is not exactly ballooning or anything (88kg) I just wanted to be a touch trimmer in the mid section. I get it... mother f**king brotien up in this bitch!
  8. Nope, I'm not big on ice cream but I love grains But I see your point.
  9. Speaking of the Birdman, what does your diet look like? And how are we going with the supp review?
  10. Banana's are good, I have one every day. What is a good choice for something to put tuna on then? I thought rice cakes, but read rice "things" were not great/ I thought wholemeal or multi-grain bread, but everyone hates on bread. I think I'll just go with this. 1 piece of Bread with some Tuna should be fine, I don't eat bread any other time, maybe on the weekends or if we have some soup? 1 loaf of bread will sit in our freezer and last me about a month. As for the protein bars, my point was I can just eat the protein scoop and be done with it, not stuff around making it into bars.
  11. Wouldn't I just have the protein scoop in water then... No baking required.
  12. I considered Tuna on some crackers/toast/something else as a snack. A small can of tuna that is, not a big one.
  13. Thanks Leesh. I'll see what I can come up with. Cheers Mungy.
  14. Thanks Leesh, just took a look and adjusted some figures. A high protein snack is the thing I'm after. Maybe it;s time to get into Tuna on toast or something...
  15. The big hole is protein, I need a high protein low everything else snack. I may need a touch less carbs too, but I'd settle for filling that protein hole.
  16. Well Jangles was right, even allowing for a fudge factor, looks like I'm not eating enough. I need some decent high protein, low sugar/fat snacks. What's the aim in terms of calories and protein intake though? This think has me aiming for around 2000 calories but I'd of thought that's a bit low (though I wouldn't mind shedding a KG or two of fat if possible). Is it widely agreed that 1gram of protein per pound of BW is fine? I'm not going to be madly counting numbers, just going over the diet to make some improvements. Also my sugar intake might be a touch high, but given it's mostly natural sugars (from fruits) is that much of an issue?
  17. Leesh/Troy what was that diet app/program you were using, I just want to plug some numbers in and check some things. It seems my diet needs some work. Markos what are some staple meals and snacks your guys use?
  18. I had a bit of an epiphany the other day. Whilst I realise my squat and DL are nothing special, I also realised that I can now do what Marko said most guys do when they walk in off the street (and I assume he meant with no training history). So for me, that's actually really good. I was a massive squat dodger even before busting up my leg and did no leg/back work at all. Then I busted my leg which took away more leg strength (and messed up my core also being on my back for 8 weeks) From Feb I started squat and DL and since then, while still recovering the ankle, have managed to get my numbers to a point that would be considered normal for the average guy, so that's pretty good given my history. Small pat on the back for myself.
  19. I'm guessing Brotato is confusing her (the reporters) apparent sympathy and empathy with desire? Due to lip biting? Or was it the package line he was referring too?
  20. I just got an email from E-Go with consignment details, cage is on the way
  21. Hmm. I've been thinking I should run the numbers on my diet, but then part of me goes don't be so serious about it when it's just for general health and well being. At the same time, who doesn't want to be stronger... I went for a jog last night and managed to do about 2.5ks of a 3k loop, done in 2 stints which I thought wasn't bad. My legs and ankle protested a bit from squats the day before. Backed up with just the normaly 2k walk this morning and my calf muscles felt a bit tight but could be worse, see how I go tonight during my gym session, not expecting anything magical.
  22. Sorry, agreed. If done right. Define right, that is, why are good meal/snack choices that won't punish me on the scales.
  23. The veggie soup is actually quite good, packed with veggies and with rissoni and chicken breast as well, I'm not a soup fan but its decent. Every dinner we have, and therefore lunch. Has a protein in it, usually chicken moreso than beef but always something. Pasta back isn't that bad anyway, carbs from pasta, which you need, protein from lean mince, which you need, some fats, salt and sugar from the sauce, all fine. If I was eating it everyday I might think otherwise. Yeah I could eat more, but I'm heavy enough already and and trying to maintain that balance between strength gains and not getting too big/heavy. My race suit is already a touch tight in spots and its not like I'm eating heaps of carbs or lots of fat I can cut out.
  24. Like I said, that's as bad as a regular meal gets.
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