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No Crust Racing

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Everything posted by No Crust Racing

  1. Still twinging. Massage helped a little which implies it's locked up above or below the actual twinge. Been stretching and foam rolling everything in and around it to help. I can't complain too much though as I gym'd Friday. then did a fair bit on the car on the weekend, then started back light jogging on Monday morning then gym'd last night night and it kind of stays the same so we'll see how it goes. Oddly there's no discomfort when actually squatting or DLing.
  2. NP, can't always convey things as clearly as wanted online, but I'm willing to hug it out.
  3. I thought this covered off on that point. "There is nothing wrong with Markos statement that those numbers = beginners, not only from a PL point of view but from a general strength point of view. If any man can turn up and pull 100kg deadlift in his first session then that must be considered roughly the starting point for most people, he'd know he's seen his fair share, how many of us have trained others to the degree that he has?"
  4. I think we've been over this a number of times. Not everyone has the same goals, not everyone wants what you or PTC want and that should be completely fine. That aside, people need to stop getting so pissy when Markos makes the comments he does, yes he delivers bluntly but he's giving you his honest opinion based on his particular point of view, you don't have to like, listen or accept it (unless you want to be a PLer or you want to get bigger numbers then you might want to listen). There is nothing wrong with Markos statement that those numbers = beginners, not only from a PL point of view but from a general strength point of view. If any man can turn up and pull 100kg deadlift in his first session then that must be considered roughly the starting point for most people, he'd know he's seen his fair share, how many of us have trained others to the degree that he has? If one guy gets to 160, he still considers himself to have improved on his starting point, and thus does not consider himself a beginner anymore, when he started out he could "only" do 100 remember, which is fine for that guy and from his point of view is accurate, but in Markos land, knowing what people need to pull to be competitive, which is his goal, it's not nearly enough. It's just opinion and perspective and it makes f**k all difference so could we please shut the f**k up about the numbers and whether or not you are a beginner unless you are competing. The only number any of you need to worry about is how much above you've improved from what you started at and whether you want more than what you have, who gives a shit if random people on a forum think you are this or that. If you've added 10,20, 50, 100% to your starting weight then you have improved and you are now stronger than you were so good job, keep at it.
  5. I'd agree with that, as in the numbers are a bit high to be classified as a beginner, but I'm talking average gym goer standards, not Markos PL training method standards. So to us, they are good numbers to aim for and most of us would look pretty decent and be happy with those numbers, but to Markos it's just the tip of what he knows people can do and he's literally in it to win it so you gotta aim high to achieve greatness. It's just a difference in perspective.
  6. I think I underestimated how much a weekend on the car took out of me as tonight was a little bit of a struggle, still got an extra rep here and there. Squat low bar 3x8 80.5 90.5 100 (6) one extra Bench 3x8 93 101.5 106.5 (7) DL barefoot 3x8 88 97.5 104 got'em all but it was hard yakka and average form on the last rep. Row 3x8 78 88 93 as above Chins 3x8 7.5 12.5 15 (6) Dips 3x8 15 20 25
  7. We're now into the second week after you mentioned the above. Can we get a con number please, I'm happy with a refund also if you'd prefer. If so, let me know and I'll PM you my bank details. Sent to your email also.
  8. I'd like to think I eat well, and many would say that, and I certainly eat every few hours, but caffeine still affects me as I tend to avoid any higher level stimulants. So whatever is in PWOs, Nitric Oxide isn't it (at least some of them) has an affect on me. When I went to hospital for my leg they had a term for me which I can't remember now, which basically noted I was easily affected. They found this out after giving me the regular dose of Endone and it nearly made me pass out.
  9. I prefer it personally.
  10. No ABS, lol welcome to my world
  11. So how was the new splitter? And seriously man, those are some bloody good times for the power/tyre combo etc. Great write up on WTAC too.
  12. I don't agree Rev, I'm very "as if this will work, probs all hype" with a lot of things and I cannot dispute the gratuitous amounts of energy that I had on tap after taking one. Yes that's a vague power thirst meme reference. It was exactly for that reason that I wouldn't take one, the effect was too great for me.
  13. It's already back in the car Rev, just machined it and put it back with new ARP bolts.
  14. piriformis is fine, and that one I remember from when my SIJ was unhappy. My ITB's are bloody tender though, on the right side (none affected hammy side) it's so tender it makes me giggle (what I do when something i really uncomfortable). I had a good session last night but hammy is still twinging.
  15. This. I tried one once for shits n giggles and didn't get to sleep til 2am, granted my workout went well and I'm sure in time I'd get used to it and came off it faster but as I tend to avoid lots of things like pain killers etc te cI find things like that affect me strongly, Kate and I still laugh at the first time we tried Monster on a long trip up North, it was a crazy last few hours drive 0_0
  16. After a weekend on the car I was pretty stiff last night so I had a good session making love to the foam roller and stretching, my right quad was so tender I couldn't put all my body weight on it without breaking out into giggles (what I do when something is uncomfortable). Hammy is still niggling this morning but I managed to on/off jog half of the morning walk so we'll see how Gym goes tonight.
  17. Just a quick update. Brad has messaged me this morning to confirm he's received my messages and has ensured my order will be filled. He also noted I am the only person who's emailed him, as that's his referred method at the moment so keep that in mind.
  18. Hey Duncan, It actually says the 23rd, and that was put in place around the 17th of July and was intended for the 23rd of July, I know this because I ring regularly and have spoken to him a number of times about the personal issues and the closure of the shop around that time. To answer your question. no I do not think he has stolen anything. I am concerned that every person that's been in the workshop has said there's only 1 cage there and I know of 3 cages that are waiting including my two and that the personal issues mentioned appear to be different for each person that calls me, but take that with a grain of salt as it's Brads perogative to not share his personal details with people and I have no qualms with that. yeah look, i know it must be frustrating, but Brad seemed like a legit bloke, he is having some trouble at the moment, its not like you are a pro drifter waiting on this cage for an event. just relax, it will come, stop going on a rampage tarnishing the guy and for the record, i wouldn't know him from a bar of soap. I've, hardly "on the rampage" and regardless of what level of motorsport I'm involved with, the bottom line is I paid upfront in full for a 2 week turn around almost 3mths ago, I am within my rights to be somewhat unhappy about it and continue to pursue either the cage or a refund. As I mentioned, I'm not the only person trying to get some answers, and when you have guys who have been waiting many times longer than me for much larger values of work there's enough reason to discuss it. Again, I'm not looking to defame or tarnish, every person says his work is top notch, and it appears to be, and every person says the value for money is great too, but there's no denying there are some issues at the moment affecting quite a few people and we're all keen to see Brad churn through some of the pending work and put all this behind us.
  19. You can't expect too much on such little sleep. Get that sorted first, or just get through this shit sleep patch, and you'll be back on the horse again.
  20. After thinking about what "I" wanted from Gym I've decided to go back to 3x8s due to increase sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. Which is just essentially being a bit bigger/more defined but not necessarily being as strong and I'm OK with that as I'm probs 60/40 looks/strength in my goals. This will also save me a few minutes in rest breaks and I'm looking to reduce the time invested. So with that in mind I gym'd last night and knowing full well I'd be weaker from the weak off chose weights I thought I'd fail in the later parts of set 3 and I was right. Pulld up OK today, but during the sets I forgot how much harder the extra reps are when they are continuous. I also had a breif fiddle with incline bench, felt really alien and weak, ditched it but may try again. So. Squats 80.5 90.5 100 (5 reps) Bench 93 101.5 106.5 (7 reps) DL 88 97.5 104 (7 reps) Rows 78 88 93 (6 reps and sloppy) Chins 7.5 12.5 15 (6 reps) Dips 15 20 25 So dips was the only thing I got fully through and only just This week I'll stick to those numbers and get the full 3x8 out then after that I'll start increasing weights again and will treat it such that when I can get 6-7 reps on the final set I'll add again. Hammy doesn't feel too bad today but I'm about to go turn some spanners so we'll see how it feels later. Was good to do a session
  21. He was online again earlier this morning also.
  22. Impressive non the less. I get what you mean though, I took 2 years off and came back with reasonable benching ability as it was my glory exercise previously. Although not strong by any decent measure, I can still bench enough to impress my mates who have been gyming longer. So I get you, You must have laid a great foundation.
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