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No Crust Racing

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Everything posted by No Crust Racing

  1. Yeah I did that. I've started stretching my calves more too to see if that helps release it as suggested by the masseuse. I'm also thinking I might switch back to a 3x8 routine, still increasing weight each set though. As I think this might suit my goals a bit more, which is more about looks than it is about weight to be honest.
  2. As a former bro curler, just do normal grip weighted chins and the your guns will get enough work. Dips on bars, no machines, weighted. Do it.
  3. I mounted mine in front of the wheel also and slotted the inner rear guide with an angle grinder to allow air flow through, never had an issue with oil temps.
  4. I know you mentioned you trained heavy before Rev but what do you (or anyone else who wants to chime in) think makes you so naturally strong? There's no doubting you have some natural genetic ability in there mate, maybe you should be comping.
  5. Went for a walk last night and this morning, there's still a light twinge but I'm inclined to say it's slightly better, but not "sorted". I'll gym tonight, maybe only 4 sets instead of 5 (I usually come back a touch lighter on my first session anyway for safety) and see how I pull up. Was talking to a mate of mine last night who is training for BB comp and he's at the same point as me in terms of why am I doing this so it seems there's a bit of it going around at the moment.
  6. FIGJAM: If it was me I'd swap out SLDL for regular DL's and ditch one of the chins for weighted dips. My 2 cents.
  7. I've emailed, PM'd on SAU, SMS'd, left voicemail, and messaged via both your FB accounts for an update.
  8. Just to add to this, as you can see, he jumped on not long after I posted my update, whether he checked this thread is unclear but it at least shows that he's remaining active on the forums. Brad, if you're reading this, feel free to give me a call with an update. I've also left voicemail this morning.
  9. I've contacted him through a number of channels with the same message and can see he was active on SAU this morning so he has enough time to check threads it seems. Was also sent as a PM. That aside, it's also gone to his FB and phone.
  10. It's almost the end of the week and I'm yet to hear anything. Just a quick reminder to let you know that there's just over a week left including today until I am forced to take further action. I hope you've progressed on your outstanding work orders and that these two cages are completed and shipped or are about to be.
  11. They only had a remedial masseuse there and from what I could tell she was fairly green. Still, she worked on it and it wasn't twinging when I walked out. She thinks is just a strain between the hammy and the upper head of the calf muscle (gastroc). She massaged it and "cupped" it and said get crazy with the foam roller and stretching as it was quite tight and fairly firm which is always what people say when I have an issue. I might head back to Matt soon for a form check as my gammy leg still throws some things out and the left leg may be taking the brunt of the load.
  12. I think he means out of line with each other, not one foot actually behind the other toe to heel.
  13. Like I said to Boz in the main thread just now, whatever works for you and you enjoy is what you should be doing
  14. Bodybuilders are normal people, just like power lifters or race car drivers or firemen, they all just train to be good at something. If you don't like the training style, trying something different. There's a bazillion ways to train. It's pretty Power lift centric around here because we have Markos actively contributing, you could frequent another forum and see everyone advocating different training styles and in the end, you'll still look better and be stronger and fitter than you wold if you did nothing so just try things until you find what you enjoy most. IF you enjoy it, you'll ave a better chance of sticking to it and conquering one of the most difficult aspects for some, the mental challenge of slugging it out again and again.
  15. Markos mentioned he has some circuits, iirc one of them cannot be done by a mere human.
  16. Your sleep and diet must be decent then, or you are not even close to your power potential. Which is completely fine depending on what your goals are.
  17. Do your own thing then?
  18. Birds: In your quest for 200, did you consider mixing up the reps sets to a 5x5 or a 3x8 instead of sets of 10 at the lower weights? I know you have physique aspirations, but I'm inclined to think that if you weren't burning up so much energy on the earlier lifts with so many reps you'd have the 200 already. Great work either way, just a suggestion. It was something you guys pointed out to me when I had a plateau on the bench at one point, I'm now 25kg above that point.
  19. It was just good timing in a way, I needed a deload week, come Friday I'll have had 7 days off, (but have been working on the car...) I'll get the rub today, lift tomorrow and see how I feel over the weekend on my 2 day break (though will be at the car again lol)
  20. How are you finding the volume training? Recovering OK?
  21. Mentally I'm a bit all over the shop at the moment with a lot of questions about why I'm doing this etc etc, but whenever I stop I always have that burn to start again, even if it's only been a week like it has been this time. I've said before I might buy some new plates, to give me something to aim at, but I'm also thinking I might mix up the squat stuff and see if I can build reps at say 100kg to get a foundation in place as I'm such a shit squatter.
  22. Skipped Gym again last night and didn't walk this morning, Hammy still twinging when I got up so I'm going to see a Myo today if I can get in. AT least my forearms/wrists and my bad ankle are feeling better. I may just gym Friday anyway as I can feel myself wasting away and getting weaker by the day, yes I know it all comes back, but it'll take 1-3 sessions to go back to where I was. Taking time off hasn't helped the hammy so far anyway, maybe a little but not much.
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