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No Crust Racing

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Everything posted by No Crust Racing

  1. Better invite Troy then.
  2. Where us girls can just be girls and braid each others hair and have pillow fights and talk about boys omg omg omg
  3. Fair enough, I like chin ups so will keep doing those. My numbers can be disregarded as they're not in line whit this thread sorry. For everyone else playing at home. http://www.aworkoutroutine.com/pull-ups-vs-chin-ups/
  4. Is there a consensus about one being easier or something? I've always preferred having a supinated grip as it's easier on my wrists.
  5. I hope for Bird's sake you are not anything like Rev, just saying...
  6. If you look in my build thread, I always start lighter and work up, that's what 5x5s are (atl east I thought so). I like that it gives me a chance to get the motion going before loading it up too much. (especially squats where my ankle needs those lighter sets to free up). Honestly, I'm not sure I could 17.5 for every set, maybe I could? I'm not sure if it makes them easier or harder having a narrower supinated grip, I'd imagine wide grip pull ups with pronated grip would be harder? I was just throwing some more data in the mix. Maybe on Friday I'll go for the BW challenge and see i I can get 15 reps out or something? We're not all Rev lol
  7. That's interesting about blocking up the holes, I actually cut holes in my bar in those spots and meshed it, one side to feed the air intake and one side to feed the oil cooler. Will be interesting to see how my car reacts now with the splitter on.
  8. Oh also, new physio yesterday as my current one and the new one have switched hospitals. I didn't gel with her but we'll see how we go, she's got me doing some new stretches and is keen to get me back into running. She's also in the do not remove metal camp but I'm still considering my options. I got the impression she thought that I thought I had some massive injury or disability and was keen to point out how she's broken both arms and how it was so much worse than what I've done, also when showing how my bad foot rotates outwards and the heel lifts when I squat down low (due to poor ROM in the bad ankle) her response was, Wow I can't even do that at all you should be thankful... Needless to say this rustled my jimmies a bit and I had a few choice things to say, without being rude, just things along the lines of "Ability is all am atter of perspective, I can appreciate that you may not be able to do that, but I used to be able to do that with ease, and more and I'd like to get back to that point. She also made the mistake of asking me why I wanted to squat and DL when there we're far better exercises I could be doing, like cycling (that would be easier on my ankle) and I asked her why she still continued to Row (boats) after breaking both arms given she could do a lot of other exercises that wouldn't aggravate her as much... I didn't think I should have to point out that we do things because we like them or want to and shouldn't need to justify our choices to someone who is there to help us. So we'll see how this relationship pans out, I already miss the old physio. I've also been walking, almost power walking, every morning for 2-2.5k at least and sometimes going at night with Kate/bub as well which would be another 3. I also get in walks both days on the weekend and will look to jog a little again this weekend as the swelling has been under control of late.
  9. Because an NRL player is not claiming to be gods gift for doing that, so nobody cares about the form or technique, it's just part of his job and he gets it done, as you said, his effort and the result is all that matters. When CrossFitters say they are awesome, strong, it's the best, why would you bother doing anything else, naturally people will look to confirm they are actually doing the motions right rather than just throwing weights around and claiming superiority. I should add, I have no issue with CrossFit, other than the cult like attitude of the people within it. The concept, to me, as a fitness based sport are excellent. LOL
  10. Was happy to consolidate everything last night, got my bench out too, but I'd say I was throwing the last set up and down a bit quicker to avoid fatiguing to a point of not being able to get the last rep, always touching chest though. The mental aspect is amazing sometimes. That niggling groin strain is still there as is the hamstring twinge but nothing seems to help them besides rest so I will have to line up a break in the near future which I am better at doing now. Just a copy paste so it's in this page, I added some row weight but my grip is borderline, tried no gloves also, still shit, I just have a weak grip and I wasn't happy with form on this either so I may dump some weight and bend over further then work back up, but I have been considering dropping this exercise. Squat low bar 80.5 85.5 95.5 100 104 Bench 101.5 104 106.5 109 111.5 DL 88 93 101.5 104 109 Row 78 83 88 93 97.5 Chins 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 Dips 15 17.5 20 22.5 27.5
  11. I'm the same, no idea what my 1RM is, but assume it would be 120 maybe? I think if I only had to do it once, and not after 20 previous reps I could do 10-20kg more? My current DLs look like this, these are 5x5s, breaks in seconds are 60, 75, 90, 120. Socks only, narrow stance. 88, 93, 101.5, 104, 109 So I know the feel of being a low weight lifter FigJam I actually think it's this giving me a big butt I feel a lot of contraction in my glutes during this exercise.
  12. My current chin up's look like this, these are 5x5s, breaks in seconds are 60, 75, 90, 120. When I say chin ups I'm talking shoulder width, maybe a touch narrower, and supinated grip. All weights in KG. 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5 I've got more in there and am confident I could start at 10 and work through to 20, possibly up to 25 right now but I take this slowly as it comes at the end of my routine and my forearms/elbows are usually fatigued by then and I've strained them once or twice. Any that's my two cents.
  13. Yeah might need to get the form in check if you are experiencing pain, I may not DL much but it doesn't hurt to do so.
  14. Its official, Birds is now in the weaker than girls club with me lol
  15. These are a Multi-Layer SFI-5 rated suit, not a single layer SFI-1 like many others. It's size XL and is brand new. It has only been tried on by me when I decided it was too big and bought the next size down. I'm only 6ft but some of my measurements implied I might need the XL, turns out I don't. More details here - http://racequip.com/sfiautoracingsuits/sfi5multilayersuits.html. Sizing chart here (all in inches) -http://racequip.com/sfiautoracingsuits/racingsuitsizingchart.html Comes in specific box with 2 RaceQuip stickers all as new. It's the blue suit with the black strips as pictured. These are just under $300 new + delivery, my mistake is your gain. $260 delivered.
  16. Suit turned up, L is the better fit so XL is for sale if anyone wants it.
  17. As you watch it, and I never have, what would you say about their form in terms of the fast reps stuff they do? Risky or fine? Obviously depends on the guy but you hear a lot of talk about injured cross fitters. How's your boy with the broken bench press arm doing too? What sort of programs do you have for guys who are/have been injured? Do you change much?
  18. Oh you two are so cute.
  19. Yeah maybe Smitch machine she thinks, either way. Sounds like she's clutching at something to try and justify how shit she is... Even I'm not that shit.
  20. Who squats more? Pics of both squatting, from behind... in short shorts.... for comparison....
  21. Because they know if they label it worlds fittest man it will bring all the gymbros and cycle nerds out to comment and we'll all post it on forums and talk about it and click on it and get spammed by ads so they can make money.
  22. i was talking to Kate about this last night. The comments on the article were humerous. Lifters were all chest puffed out saying that's not even that strong hur hur hur and cyclists... MAN do they get their panties in a bunch when someone calls someone else fitter - lets so how he goes climbing mount "insert some challenging ride name here" maintain a 350watt per hour output rah rah rah he's not fit. Yet they forget he would probably outlift many/most of them and the lifters forget he would run rings around them cardio wise most likely. He's good at his chosen sport, no different than a race car driver smashing any of us on the track, but maybe we could outlift him, doesn't make his driver championship any less impressive. I'm like... jesus christ stop being bitches and give the man some friggen credit. I and MANY other people who consider themselves fit or who like to exercise would be stocked with those numbers, plus the pic in the article shows him looking pretty bloody good by most peoples standards. Say what you like about the article title but give credit where it's due. Not directed at you Leesh, just having my say on the backlash that article has received - I wont even go into the amount of people who flogged the guy for crediting god for some of it...
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