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No Crust Racing

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Everything posted by No Crust Racing

  1. Wrong choice of words on my part, don't be so pedantic. I am agreeing with you.
  2. I guess that's my point Markos, what they are doing goes beyond "doing cardio" although they are doing an exercise strongly related to burning CALORIES etc.
  3. I agree with that, I've stopped doing all ab work, still have abs. Not like that guy but decent for a guy who sits all day and only trains 3x a week. I walk in the morning purely because it wakes me up, the dog likes it, and it helps with my ankle. The body is lazy and will quickly work into a groove where it can sustain cardio work with minimal effort on the muscle/cardio system. That is, a 10k run does jack for you compared to a 1hr gym session with some decent volume. Maybe high end cyclists are one of the exception? they maintain great speeds for long periods which can only be done with solid leg power.
  4. That's what I'll be doing Markos, I'll be dropping by to see Matt from time to time. $40 for an hour is well worth it every once in a while to make sure I'm on the right track. I'm very glad I followed your advice in seeing him the first time.
  5. Gym is at home and yes, same routine, M/W/F takes about an hour. EDIT: Same session as in exercises, but over time slowly adding weight. I take it pretty slowly as I've had injuries in the past from rushing it and have a bit of a bum leg at the moment. Have also paused bench for now until legs catch up a bit, more of a mental thing more than anything plus not sure how strong this new bench is =\ Supposedly rated at 200kg including user and I'm pretty much at that now. Should have read the fine print.
  6. Obligatory image. A man and a woman being affectionate?
  7. What the hell Troy that's terrible lol
  8. I've lurked on this thread for ages and never said anything. I liked that it was a unique build and the effort you put into things. But I can say, you will never regret moving to a GT-R. If you've always wanted one then you should definitely get it. I had one for a while and will get back into one when I'm done paying off the house, hopefully in the next few years, in the meantime the S13 allows me to still have a play now and then. I hope you can recoup a stack of cash and that the return to stock process goes as smoothly as possible.
  9. Leesh 3mths in the grand scheme of things is SFA. I've been having a go at Squats and DLS since about Feb, and then finally went and saw someone to get a bit of guidance on the moves, it's only been I dunno a months or so tops since I saw Matt. So after all that time fluffing about, I'm "just" getting to get to the point where most guys at Markos gym START OUT (or manage in the first few sessions). My point is, this stuff takes time. My Bench was semi OK but I had literally had a couple of years former experience with it so that came back easier. When I decided after school that I wasn't going to be Stick Man anymore, it took a bit over 12mths of absolute slogging dedication to the cause to pack on some beef EVERYTHING I did or ate was about that goal. Not 3mths of decent commitment, but 110% balls (ovaries?) to the wall dedication. I'll clarify that a little though, I'm not saying you're not putting in, not at all, I dunno what you look like, what you started out at etc etc, all I'm saying is that it's very likely you've made some really good gains in the time you've been at it, but that it takes either a massive level of commitment (to get results fast) or a solid level of patience (to get results in a reasonable time frame). I also think that Markos one of the "mores" each session is a big kicker in why his guys advance so quickly, more weight/reps/sets EVERY time you make the rep/set/weight goal in any movement. That's constant overload which will mean constant progress. Progress means more strength and likely bigger muscles, more muscle = more fat burned. I personally do not do this as I'm scared of injuries and like to consolidate at a given weight for a few sessions (I like to make sure I can do the weight even on my worst days before going up again) but that's because I've had a bad history with secondary muscle/tendon type issues from over doing it thinking I was He-Man so that's how I manage it. If you are not doing some kind of "mores" then progress will also be slower - which is fine so long as you have patience Keep on trucking slugger !
  10. Regarding my questions that is. I got your first one saying you'd reply when you were back in SA, so if you're not back yet disregard my comments
  11. You'd think after being told so many times you'd have the details... Dislocated ankle, broke leg.. Get your shit together man.
  12. Already doing the big 3 first. I'm just crazy weak. IT power legs lol
  13. SRS13: That's close to my routine, see build thread, and it's not going too bad
  14. This is me, plus I chose breaking my leg to be the time I'd start thinking about it lol
  15. Fair enough, sort of inline with what I was saying.
  16. I think each mind and body will have a natural level it likes to sit at, by that I mean that you exercise and eat well (your mental commitment) and do all the right things (your physical commitment) and the weight will drop to level, say "X", easily enough or within a a reasonable time frame. From there, the effort taken to drop further KG's may be disproportionate if you get me. You were exercising 4 times a week for 1hr, but to drop another 5kg requires 6times a week for 90mins, a considerable increase for what appears to be a smaller gain. It's the same trying to get stronger, people talk about noob gains, my squat and DL are really evident of this. The first chunks come easy and with only a reasonable commitment in time/effort. To get properly strong requires much larger investments of time/money/ etc. So in the first 3mths you double your squat, then it takes 9mths to do the same again, then it takes 12mths to add another 25% and the time taken to increase goes up and the gain gets smaller. It's a trade off. I wouldn't stress to much about the numbers on the scale, I've seen plenty of girls who look fantastic and weigh far more than girls who don't eat or exercise and look like jelly wafers (thin and wobbly).
  17. Interesting, I was bro curling 44-45kg with an Ezy Bar, pick it up of the floor curl, put it down. No squat rack required. It's not a lot of weight so why the need to use squat rack =\
  18. IMO it's easier gaining weight than it is loosing it, but that's just my personal view others may disagree,
  19. Cheese fiend! Yeah cool, everything in moderation etc.
  20. Is it because the assisted lift means more numbers which means more bragging rights to your gymbros or is it about safety? I've often thought a spotter would be nice at home, especially when I'm going up in weight on something.
  21. How's the whole no cheese thing going Leesh? I enjoyed a little Camembert last night, just saying...
  22. Minor update for chins and dips, what is considered OK numbers for these as I don't feel like I'm struggling too much with these, I could probably add another 5kg on on both right now and be OK. My issue is the strength of the dip bars, which I'm discussing with the rack seller, I may look at a better rack. Everything else was unchanged, dd my squats low bar this session which I think I prefer. Feel like I could up the bench again but as mentioned trying to leave it as is for now until other things catch up. I could add some more to the DL but at this stage the ankle is a little tender so I'm waiting for it to get used to the current load and simmer down. I want to really lay on some kgs on the squat and DL so that when I have my surgery and stop I'll be further ahead but realistically I don't think I'll be making any great leaps. 95kg still feels like a semi struggle on the last rep of the 5th set so I'm either doing it very wrong like I was with the DL or I'm just that weak. Squat low bar 75.5 80.5 85.5 90.5 95.5 Bench 95.5 99.5 104 106.5 109 DL 80.5 85.5 90.5 95.5 100 Row 73 77 79.5 82 84.5 Chins 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 Dips 2.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 I was contemplating picking a Friday every now and then and doing the first 2 sets of say squat/bench/dl then for the last few sets trying to do whatever I can above my previous PB just to surprise the body and make it realise it's OK to go higher. Kind of like the 5x3x1 thing that people use when doing 5x5s.
  23. Thanks Markos. Do they do any particular mobility exercise apart from the actual squat to help with mobility in the required joints?
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