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No Crust Racing

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Everything posted by No Crust Racing

  1. Oh man, this is what my life has become lol
  2. I'll report back on how I go. He laughed when I told him about you giving me a hard time for squat/DL less than the girls Goal for me, squat and DL more than the average girl lol
  3. Edit: Booked with Matt for tomorrow night.
  4. I wish you guys were closer. As much as I love learning online I think the reality is I might just have to shell out a couple bucks (not a biggy) and go in and see someone for a session either Laurie or Matt (as you suggested). Finding the time is the problem but if need be I'll just go when I would have been gyming, I'll probably get more out of that anyway. And I agree completely Markos, when I have a twinge I do pull up and be very careful as I don't have your experience and expertise so I'd rather err on the side of caution til I'm confident I'm doing it right and the back is just protesting from genuine weakness (which it has) and not poor form (which I also have).
  5. Fair enough Markos, keep in mind though my goals are not the same as your goals, I will always be on the light side in your eyes but that's honestly fine with me as I don't need to squat 200 or DL the same to look the way I'd like to look and to have usable strength in my day to day life or hobbies. I wasn't humbled, as I've never had an ego to begin with, I was humorously surprised though to find the gap between what I can do and what everyone else can do is as wide as it is, especially when you talked about what people START at, again I'm OK with that though, I clearly have a weak back or shit form - likely both which I'm looking to improve. One question you missed though, If I know I have back issues, would I be wiser in the short term to focus on a DL assist exercise until I'm confident my back is in a better place. As in SLDL or RDL or rack pulls etc. Thanks again, always appreciate your feedback.
  6. Didn't get to make a vid last night, skipped gym as I'd spent most of the weekend working on the car and my back and ankle were not great. Long way to go if doing normal things causes me that much of an issue. Physio this morning. On the topic of Deadlifting, and don't shoot me for saying this, but doesn't that motion fly in the face of conventional wisdom about how to lift heavy things safely? Or is it only if done poorly, rounded back etc. True I'm only thinking about back in the early days of working in a supermarket where you were told to get down and lift with your knees not your back to avoid injury. So is it that the back is actually stronger than we give it credit for or that deadlifting is specifically targeting a known weak spot to ensure it's strong for everything else we do? Would I be better SLDL'ing instead to get my back stronger before moving to full DL.
  7. Thanks for that, good to watch, I put my vid side by side and I see what you mean about the hip height, I didn't realise that DLs were THAT back centric which makes it even more amazing for me to think about people having backs that strong, very impressive. Come Monday I'll drop off some weight and try some different things and take another vid. I can't see my back being able to handle much weight at all and it looks like I've been cheating til now by making it more a leg exercise which is probably why my squat is finally starting to go in a positive direction. The good news is through my physio it looks like I'm almost over my SIJ discomfort so that's a good sign that my things are improving in there also.
  8. You guys should chuck up some vids as an example of good form.
  9. Thanks Rev, I'll keep working on it. I'm new to it so I'm surprised it's not stellar. Good pickup, for some reason I keep looking at my left hand to make sure my arms are by my sides and I'm pulling the bar up evenly/straight. Odd habit. I'll have a play with it all and take some more clips so you guys can crush my already non existent confidence in the motion Appreciate the help.
  10. I think you're right, the main strain I feel is in the quads and while it's light weigh compard to where I should be, It's not light weight for my actual strength in that motion unfortunately. By raising my hips higher, that means less leg drive and more lower back work yes? That idea scares me a bit with my back how it is right now, but I can take some weight off and experiement. Honestly, I was thinking of it more as a leg exercise with lower back as secondary so that shows the wrong mindset anyway. Cheers, as above, looks like my approach to why I was doing this was wrong, I'll try hips higher and letting the back do the work, I imagine I will have to drop a ton of weight off it, I just don't get why my back in particular is so damn weak. Well, no work on it, sitting all day etc, I get it, but it shits me .
  11. Here's a demo After watching this I thought I was pulling with my arms so kept my back straighter so I couldn't bend at the arms and used them as hooks. http://youtu.be/0rinu1OH59Q
  12. Just got this from Brad, still one diagonal to go and obviously some paint and she's done. I'll post pics when I get the completed item and when it's installed to show fitment.
  13. Lunch wasn't filling enough, had double cheesburger with chips on it...
  14. I pulled them as they were the 30kg ezy bar ones and not indicative of what I'm doing now . I can make new ones and embarrass myself some more. Maybe tomorrow night. Good to hear those things, as I'm doing some of them.
  15. Appreciate it, but will pass. Quicker for me to chat with my BB mate around the corner or pay and go see Laurie than wait til the next DECA and look like a goose doing imaginary DLs on the skidpan
  16. No doubt. Just making sure I had the names right so I didn't say something inappropriate like oh is this that gym were those druggos got done... At $70 for a one hour session, it pays for itself if it stops me doing an injury and having to go back to paid osteo etc, I'll look into it.
  17. That guy I know. Wasn't it him or his missus who got done for band substances? My memory is hazy on it so sorry if I have it wrong.
  18. Markos what do you find is the issue for new comers to DL? Flexibility? Form? Weakness from lack of experience in the the move etc?
  19. Wodonga on the VIC/NSW border.
  20. The advice is sound though and I'll have a chat with another mate of mine on the weekend who's shorter, lighter, and a shed load stronger (training bodybuilder so looks matter more than numbers but still).
  21. I should clarify, I feel I can definitely add squat weight but I do so very slowly to allow my back and ankle to keep pace. DL's yeah I probably 'could' add weight but form would suffer. If I had to think about it, I probably feel "weakest" in my back, my quads get busy during the motion and I feel a good burn in there, but it's my back that I'm focusing on the most. Probably doesn't help that I sit all day and have done for my working life so far.
  22. 6hr round trip? Pass
  23. I didn't want to flood the DL thread with my questions so I'll dump it here. As a an absolute virgin to deadlifting before about, 2mths ago, I've really struggled with the idea/form etc. I started at 30kg (same for squats) on an ezy bar as I only had a standard 6ft bar and I was too lazy to take the weights off it from bench, now I have a rack and a 7ft bar. I've been making only very small increases as my back has been a bit iffy along the way due to pelvis alignment and stability issues from breaking my leg/dislocating my ankle. So I've been working on that with a physio, jogging daily and made squatting and deadlifting a part of my routine to get my legs and back solid - my old routine used to be pretty much all upper body work as you guys will remember. I now deadlift a stunning 60kg for 3x8 (squat is currently 66) I feel like I could add some weigh to the squat without too much drama but the dead feels like slower progress and much harder work. After 3 sets I have a good puff, nothing else taxes me the same way so I'm guessing it's a combo of doing it wrong, poor strength in required areas from having only just started to get into it, and being over cautious with my lower back which has proven that if I don't treat it properly it will jam up on me like last week. If I had a question, it would be why am I so shit at squat/dl when I see people much lighter squat and DL literally 3 times the amounts. Is it simply that because I've only just started out I don't have a great foundation? Am I just inherently weak in that area? to be fair, I'm not overly strong in any direction and my bench is probably only half OK because I favoured it for so long (repping 96kg at the moment, will up that to 100kg shortly and just leave it there, no idea what 1RMs are, not interested). Pretty sure Leesh out squats and out deads me, good for her, not so much for my pride
  24. I thought macros were for people wanting to be more efficient in Excel =\
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