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No Crust Racing

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Everything posted by No Crust Racing

  1. I'm not directly saying that Leesh. "I'm not saying protien shakes are bad, but just that in general, whole foods tend to be a healthier choose for a number of reasons." And I will point out that this is an assumption on my part. I know I am happier and heathier when I eat more whole foods than processed ones irrespective of protien, so I'm thinking about whether I can/should eliminate the protein shake entirely and just have a post workout smoothie with fruit and berries and yoghurt etc.
  2. As an example of many bits of text around, take a look at this. http://www.naturallyintense.net/blog/weight-loss/protein-shakes-do-you-really-need-them-part-2-of-2/ I'm not saying protien shakes are bad, but just that in general, whole foods tend to be a healthier choose for a number of reasons. I love the idea of a quick post workout smash it in shake to get everything, but I have no idea what else is in that shake. Pardon the pun but it's just food for thought. I will never be a calorie counter zomg must eat my specific protien meals through the day kind of guy, I like a post workout as I recover better and my loads are not heavy enough to really require ultra concentration on my nutrition, my choices are healthy enough that I'm in good enough shape without that level of scrutiny (but again my goals and loads are low).
  3. Speaking of food. Who's made the transition from protein shakes to purely whole foods? The idea of long term consumption of protein shakes doesn't sit well with me and I'm a minimal user as it is (post work out and the morning after only).
  4. You have looked too far into it, your time would be better spent enjoying cheese
  5. I hear ya, we almost always have some basic Brie or Camembert in the fridge and use any social gathering as an excuse to get something nicer. That and I'm big on basil/pesto type dips.
  6. You're more restrained than I am then
  7. The one's I've tried were good Leesh but I Iike sweet things.
  8. Have you tried the BN WPC or are you just talking WPCs in general?
  9. icwutyoudidthur.jpg
  10. Small update, had a good 15min stretch/warm up then got into a lighter session tonight. Aimed for 2 sets of everything (with lighter weight on back engaging exercises so squat, DL and row) and got through it all OK, feeling the same today so no worse than previous. Interestingly the discomfort is centralising which I'd think is a good thing maybe? I'm also doing 5mins of jogging in my morning walk, but weird jogging as asked by the physio where I lean a fair way forward and the balls of my feet are not talking all the load, momentum kind of pulls you forward.
  11. And he's right 0_0
  12. I'm not sure what mine are flexed, currently stuck on couch with baby sleeping on my chest. Bigger but not sure how much. Birds, at 6ft and 65kg I was a rake, you must have been close to death at 63 lol Eat a burger man. Boz, I'll trade you some Bench for leg strength. Side bar: Squatted a little for the first time Since last week when my back went south. Physio OK'd it and to my surprise it felt decent. My pelvis is starting to feel different (maybe better in some way?)
  13. I just grabbed the tape and at the biggest point even I have just under 26inches and I can't even squat my own body weight yet and I'm far from fat either so I wouldn't be too caught up on size gents, Birds is smaller but much stronger etc. Where you guys measuring from? I'm just standing up and measuring towards the top half of my leg at the roundest part, flexed it's bigger again. Sidebar, I have skinny legs so u guys must have really skinny legs or I'm measuring wrong somehow.
  14. From Brads email: "Hoops are bent, plates cut and most bar work cut to length. Will get one of them tacked up tomorrow and the other late this week."
  15. Wrong terminology maybe? I just mean a shaker with a ball in it, that's my serious mixer, the only I normally use is just a shaker with a plastic star shaped insert at the top and it goes fine.
  16. My mixer is pretty intense, but how big a clumps are we talking though, have you actually used it?
  17. $10 per kg pretty much. Though as you can see diff protein contents - my point being, realistically if I'm going to see any difference from the lower protein amount given my workload. I'm guessing not.
  18. Pretty much just the cost for the given amount of protein, if I can spend less and get the same amount of protein and BCAAs then it's worth looking at.
  19. I understand the difference, I'm looking at trying the WPC as it's cheaper and given my low goals and ability should be enough. So I'm interested in hearing from anyone using the WPC.
  20. I'm looking at trying the Bulk Nutrients WPC, anyone else using it? Was gonna just grab a kg to start with.
  21. I'm sure Troy will work out "some" way to pay you.
  22. Better make that admit 2 then.
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