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No Crust Racing

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Everything posted by No Crust Racing

  1. TBH, I won't be bothering with DL, I'm like you, only in it for basic strength improvement and the looks and I can get that from other exercises that are a bit easier/safer for me to do. If you go to a Physio try and get one that is actually hands on, so many just assess and advise without actually working (massage etc) on the issue. I see a Physio, as that's free, and a Myo which isn't but the Myo actively works on the issue and helps me stretch it, give a deep tissue massage and gives me pointers on how to free it all up myself at home.
  2. Chin up Birds, it's shit but most of us have been there. I've had some decent soft tissue injuries along the way that slowed me down/stopped me cold for long periods. I started out at 65kg when I first lifted a weight and was a desk jockey who hadn't played any decent sport since high school. Through all of that I got up to mid 90kg's, but as mentioned that was not without injury and set back. The good thing about injuries, from my point of view at least, is that they teach you new things about your body, new ways to do things, how to improve movements, better appreciation for what you had, etc. Almost always, the people with the right attitude, which will be most of us here, will come back stronger over time. If it helps, this is what I did in October... And yes, that is beyond 90 degrees clockwise rotation about the ankle joint. Ruptured most things and spiral fractured the Fib. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151461078874838&set=a.10151461078724838.586369.753524837&type=3&theater http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151461079019838&set=a.10151461078724838.586369.753524837&type=3&theater http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151461305669838&set=a.10151461078724838.586369.753524837&type=3&theater http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151601549784838&set=a.10151461078724838.586369.753524837&type=3&theater The diastasis screw (the big one) was removed but everything else remains. I was told it would be a solid year before I could even consider running again and prior to this I was covering at least 100k's a month on foot, not heaps but decent for me as I've never been much of a runner. I'm already back to light jogging and have done a few 3k runs without too much issue (beyond swelling) because I wanted to get back into it and have been working hard on the rehab side. I also spent a bit of time sitting to do my gym work and come to realise how weak my back/core was. So now I've started on squats, DL, SLDL, rows etc to get my legs and back/shoulders strong, which I wasn't doing before so in the end I should wind up stronger and better than I was, granted with a slightly deformed ankle and a need to pay attention to it, but that's no different to any other decent injury you have. You'll be fine soon enough
  3. We should have a white off. My mid section is a sight to behold. The gut is pretty impressive too.
  4. f**k me I lol'd at that Gen y speak. If it helps Troz, I'm not DL either while I get my back sorted. Light squats, light SLDL, and a Myo once a fortnight, a HEAP of stretching, a podiatrist visit this weekend, and still seeing the physio the hopsital provided. At least get looked at by a pro to find out if it's an acute issue, compensatory, referred etc. For me, the issue is compensatory from my busted ankle/broken leg and just takes time to fix so while I fix it, I work around it. The key is I don't get any discomfort while doing my exercises. Get it looked at, get it sorted, then get back into whatever exercise you want. </2cents>
  5. Walked this morning, gym tonight. Had a solid 20min stretch before exercising then got into it. Did everything as normal, almost made the 8th rep of the 3rd set of curls too. Managed a 90sec plank at the end and managed to fit 5kg in my pockets for my dips. Went for another walk afterwards. See how I pull up tomorrow. Seeing my podiatrist friend on Saturday.
  6. I almost took a selfie tonight after having a reasonable session but my heterosexuality prevented it. That, and I remembered that I'm the whitest mother f**ker around with no muscle. Good times.
  7. That's some kinky stuff you got there...
  8. Yeah I'm thinking a ball might be the way to go. I'll have a dabble with a ball I have at home after gym tonight when I have a good stretch session.
  9. Hmm, I have suitable balls at home that should do the job, just not sure if I need the roller. Given I'm trying to target the Thoracumbular Fascia area specifically. Can't see how a roller would get in there. Pic for ref again. http://vanessaruns.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/back-muscles.jpg Also, on my Myo's advice I'm seeing a Podiatrist (well a 3rd year friend of mine) to have a gait analysis done and have the rom of the ankle/foot, leg lengths etc examined as my ankle is definitely different to the other one now and the MYo is convinced my back is a compensatory issue.
  10. For anyone using foam rollers/balls etc. I'm specifically interested in it for my lower back discomfort/tension is a foam roller or a ball going to be a better option? There's a bit around to say that foam rolling the lower back is a little risky if you're not supporting yourself properly etc.
  11. Walked last night, walked/semi jogged this morning. Back is killing me for some reason. Will have a decent stretch tonight before gym. Worded up a friend of of mine who is a 3rd year Podiatrist and she's going to go over the ankle, my gait, etc and see what she can tell me. I'm in two minds about that foam roller as I'm unsure if it can really get into my back, a ball might be better.
  12. Just got back from Myo. She spent most of the time working on my legs/ lower back as I'm avoiding OHP for now. She still thinks the discomfort is a compensatory issue, as in I'm not moving properly and that's the point that cops the flack. For the first time since I've been there she said that after being massaged my hip bone locations and leg lengths were even. Wants me to keep stretching and make sure I am doing decent 3sets of sec stretches regularly etc, also suggested I see a podiatrist to see if I need any corrective inserts or anything since there was so much trauma to that ankle/foot. I was thinking of doing that myself anyway so I might go ahead with it.
  13. No good at all, fingers crossed it's not as bad as you think.
  14. OK I'll have a fiddle and see what I come up with. Cheers
  15. My question is more about what OHP is targeting that I might be missing out on if I'm not doing OHP or something specific for that muscle group. I'd of thought that the dips, to some extent work the top of the shoulder also, my version has me feeling it a bit in there also.
  16. Am I going to be missing out on anything essential if I don't replace the OHP with something else at this stage? I won't be adding weight to things until my back comes good/gets a bit better.
  17. Did 3 sets again tonight but made a few small changes. Been trying hard to lock everything in and tighten up prior to movements which as I said I think helps quite a bit. Squat as normal, bench as normal, SLDL as normal, then rather than OH Press I did rows sooner, then some dumbbell lunges as I wanna work on my leg/ankle strength, then curls (8-8-7 this time) then my lady dips with 2.5kg in my pockets and heels up on the box for 40-40-40, need more weight on those. Worth me doing Lateral Raises or something as OH Press kills me. We'll see how I feel tomorrow and I have the Myo in the afternoon, probs for the last time for at least a month. Want rack... want to squat/dip more and do pull instead of curls.
  18. Unlucky, but at least you know squats fix everything.
  19. Fair enough, I used to work on if I could manage 75% of the final set then the weight was about right. At the moment I'm just enjoying making everything tight/locked in before the motions, it's a different kind of stimulation.
  20. That's a very good point actually. What defines too hard? If I can do 8-8-6 is that too easy or too hard? I'd be inclined to say it's pretty much right? Room to see the development over the last 2 reps and not too easy? Feeling a bit better today and found this bad boy so I might grab it as it seems like OK value. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/350586113300?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  21. OK I went out and dropped the passenger left side down the 10mm that was the difference. Went or a drive and once the pads were fully warmed it would alternate locking each front wheel depending on road camber so the ride height definitely made a difference. It still feels every so slightly biased to the driver side wheel but the road tends to slope to the passenger side so I assume a touch more weight would be on the side if the ride heights are even.
  22. Cheers, my SLDL was a concern for me also in terms of form. I'd like to make some more videos now that I'm following TTT's advice on setp and locking things in/tightening up etc, seems to help a bit. That said, I ust got out of the spa as my back has been killing all weekend. On Friday I did full weigh 3 sets of everything. Everything was fine except curls where I had to cheat (lean) the last 2 reps, but part of that is improved form I think making it more taxing. With the tighter firmer setup my shoulders and back felt it plus then I spent all weekend doing physical things. Mowed the lawns at both houses, put the baby seat in the car, worked on the silvia, moved the gym room and the guest room around (so had to move all weights etc). We'll see how I pull up tomorrow after my spa. As for the weights, I only move a small handful between each bar as I have them split in such a way as to only need to move 5 small plates (which I can grab in one go with both hands). I'm waiting for some info from a mate who works at defence as they are having an auction soon, he said there was a Magnum Fitness squat rack there, just need to find out of it is just a rack or a proper cage as it should be cheap.
  23. Not surprised at all. I hope you got a good dollar for it and the new owner has a long trouble free history.
  24. Nice, thanks for the link. How does that compare to Aus prices? I've never really investigated but if it's not too expensive to get some extra safety I'll have at it.
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