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No Crust Racing

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Everything posted by No Crust Racing

  1. Ahh OK well if you're already on them and are comfortable then all good. Anyone you know running the same sizes you want that you could borrow from? Chuck on their wheels and go? Is this on an S chassis?
  2. It's hard to say how it will respond as each R compound has slightly different widths for a given tyre size. Obviously the best way is to test but then you've forked out the bucks already. As an aside, When looking at the R888s I was advised slightly away from them by some other circuit guys on here stating that they are in the same ball park grip wise as a KU36, which isn't even an proper Semi. Can you use your contacts to get some cheap AO50s or RE55s? What are you currently using? I'm in the process of shopping myself and might just grab another set of second hand RE55s as mine have been good.
  3. Hey Ryan, Check this http://www.toyor888.net/racing/index.htm 8.5inch is the smallest recommended for a 255 and you might find it moves around a touch which will result in quicker warm up temps and possibly higher peak temps. This is just my understanding though, some of the gurus will likely drop in and correct me.
  4. Best of luck then, you better do well to make up for not coming!
  5. Cheers Matty, we'll see what comes up Sidebar: Did I see you pull out of DECA? IF so, bummer, catch you next time then!
  6. Worded it poorly Baron. I mean that I'd hate to buy the KU's, get out there and find they have crap grip compared to the semis I have. Yes I would learn how to use the grip available but ultimately from a speed and lap time point of view I ight end up going slower than my last PB and that would just piss me off - Who wants to go backwards. When I buy tyres I'd like to know that they will have the same or more grip and so I at least have the potential to go faster, driving permitting. I'll just keep looking around and see what comes up. I'm getting itchy feet so in the end it'll probably come down to what I find and for what money. Despite what I said above I still had a crack bidding on the KUs on eBay as they were cheap for new rubber. Appreciate the feedback chaps.
  7. Pass Russ I'm after same size all round but thanks I think for how few track days I get to do at the moment I'd preferthe extra grip of semis. Just saw a new set of ku's go for 590 on eBay, woops missed them
  8. Its more a case of knowing that semis have more grip than I can skillfully use. With the Ku's I don't wind to wind up with a tyre I feel can't keep up which will frustrate me as I'm already used to the grip of semis
  9. Well we'll be there but not bringing the car, saving up the dollarz for some more semis and some track days instead. I''ll be bringing my helmet though so get that passenger seat ready Leon! Russ, I call shotgun for some long wang action... sounds so dirty... And to whoever else has space I might try and sleaze some rides Is Shane coming? I'm hanging for a GT-R fix. We're bringing our drinking boots too...
  10. Sat Only for Kate and I Bring your drinking boots...
  11. Hey guys, I've got one of these and whenever I start to develop some boost the gauge starts to squeal. As the gauge is fully electronic there are no vac lines in the cabin, it only connects to the control box in the engine bay. So I'm guessing there's either a capacitor or resistor or something squealing in the gauge. Anyone got an idea on what it might be and if there's a way to fix it beyond replacing the gauge? Cheers
  12. Hey guys, I've got one of these and whenever I start to develop some boost the gauge starts to squeal. As the gauge is fully electronic there are no vac lines in the cabin, it only connects to the control box in the engine bay. So I'm guessing there's either a capacitor or resistor or something squealing in the gauge. Anyone got an idea on what it might be and if there's a way to fix it beyond replacing the gauge? Cheers
  13. I think the panel has spoken Kez...
  14. Agreed, the torque would help. Don't think he's doing this til he's off his P's anyway.
  15. Yes it will tow easier but the fuel Econ is absolutely horrid and the na does a good enough job. More torque is great but it's gotta be on boost to make it meaning it's very thirsty and it eats premium - ouch. Plus it uses more fuel as a normal daily and would cost more to buy and insure.
  16. Anyone heard of/used these? http://www.viczcar.com/forum/index.php?topic=9207.0 Proper details http://www.silverstone.com.my/default.aspx#1305179110073 Are these a proper R comp?
  17. lol nah there's a few different NA 6 cylinder Falcons to choose from. I don't have the BA anymore, got BF MK II now but even still I'll have to pass on that "generous" offer
  18. Ahh, ok I'll avoid the 888s What were the FZs setting you back?
  19. Same as me then, basic coil overs and a couple adjustable arms. The shagged RE55s still seemed to have a ton of grip to me, more grip than my talent (or lack there of) could make use of without feeling like I was hurting the car so I'll hold out for some more semis. If you guys come across something let me know.
  20. Oh and also, interesting that Harry has a different experience to you Benny. Harry what sort of Car are you running and what sort of suspension setup, you too Benny.
  21. That's interesting stuff Harry. I think temp hs a bit to do with it, from what I read KUs hold there own on really cold days when the semis can't get up to operating temp. Is this your experience? As it seems you're in the minority on whether KUs are as quick as new or old semis. FYI I've been looking for some more RE55s
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