In the Silvia I mounted my seat in a similar fashion to Duncan, I'm pretty close to the wheel and using a fully fixed Velo Podium.
The high thorax support means I had to spend another few bucks on a quick release wheel to give some extra space on entry and exit. The Silvia doesn't have telescopic adjustment though.
My wheel sits about 2-3inchs above my knees and I can easily drape my hands over the wheel at the wrists, I'm only 6ft though so I can get away with being a little closer and not worrying about the roof line.
For reference, I also had to centre my mounts properly, I did use the factory seat holes but on a custom frame and the Velo mounts but we moved the seating position closer to the centre of the car when a plumb bob measurement showed the wheel to be off-centre to the seat in factory setup.
As Duncan mentioned, closed gives greater control, especially at the limit, on the condition you're not too close and getting all tangled up.
We played for ages with dummy fitting so it felt right for me. Downside is you have to be the exact same size as me and like my driving position to drive my car. Not such a bad thing in some ways though