The oil sounds unusual but I doubt it's cause for concern unless you've overfilled it heavily, but 200ml is bugger all so don't stress.
AAC = Aux Air Control I think, it's a valve at the back of the plenum that controls air on idle, the valve/spring mechanism gets carbon build up and doesn't operate properly. Cleaning is fairly simple, I did this on my Series II when I had a hunting issue and it cured it.
AFM can be cleaned with Electrical Contact Cleaner, couple bucks a can, but be gentle as not to damage the AFM wire.
Skyline's do have coil packs and over time they degrade and begin to arc across the coil causing all kinds of iginition related incidents. There's a heap of info on here about temporarily repairing them with all degrees of dodginess and some not so dodgy. I'd be checking AAC and AFM first though, easier and quicker to test and less expensive.
Link to AAC Valve and Idle Reset Thread