wheels look fine shouldnt have to bother with those, just call up and check how wide your wheels can be that would be the only issue, ride height looks fine, if slightly larger probably worth changing but i got my old car through with 16x8 when 7 was the max legal width, all depends on if you get someone who likes your car theyll let it slip, change all mods tho as they will rip you a new a#$hole if they spot those and wont see you driving around for ages
i got the viper 791vx also with most extras for just over $1000, hey was in a rush to get insurance through. Remote start is only good if in a hurry, want to impress people or lost your car and have a fanny squeel which helps you find it extras you will need is gear switch so you dont bunny hop when you funnily enough left it in gear right sam? there are plenty of extras to throw your money away on though
also, have a funny click happening when changing down gears? and a lovely rattle from the engine....looks like a spending spree to me, anyone loan money?
looking forward to next cruise hopefully have new bodykit by then, sam if you want the old one let me know will need some fixing up tho as you have seen. Wont be for a while as going on holidays but hopefully soon after
first cruise for me but was excellent, hope next time more rock up to see different cars and hopefully more 32 and 34s, some chickies maybe??
Nice pics didnt realise i was on big brother but with a camera. Lucky i wasnt picking my nose or leaves out.....
talking about chicks drving 33s i spotted one leaving sunday at those shops on the corner, thought it was one of the white ones from the cruise but to my delight a hot blonde driving it. Id like to see more of that and for a few to attend next cruise, anyone else agree?
Up north east if the chick comes on here...
cheers guy for the great day, leaving my lights on for a flat battery was the only downside to the day, besides the 300z that almost took a few of us out. Excellent route had fun flying around. To all that missed it make sure you make the next one you missed out on an awesome day
spotted 2 black 33s, 1 black 32, 1 red 33, 1 red 32, 2 white 33s, 2 silver, 1 gunmetal, 1 200sx, 1 mr2 and a commodore cruising through the hills, oh wait i was there, where were the rest of you????
thanks Guy had a great day, that route was excellent got up to 160 lucky i slowed down or mine and driftr wouldve been walking home. Too bad for the rain but the cruise was great. Thanks to sam for only taking one pic with my damage in it
all up cost $500 for gauges din mount and blue globes, but as i was too lazy to install cost 270 to install, too bad they didnt remove my old bar gauge, now i have 2 pressure gauges, old one in bar is mounted on steering column with velcro!!!!!!!
must have had a budget when the person put that one in
what time is the cruise gonna be? wont finish work til around 10am sunday morning so will have to be after that, start work at midnight so will be a short lived night i think