Gee wiz...Am getting some good info thanx.
Am now having second thoughts about this type of car.Things breaking, theft, cops & attempted car jacking! Whats wrong with people these days? Anyway, have taken on board your comments about importing a Skyline, think I'll look for a local one. I have a friend @ work who is currently importing Skylines from Japan. Have seen some of his imports in our staff carpark, very nice indeed!
On the subject of insurance I will ring around & get some verbal quotes. Your info has been great on what my future car will need ie: Alarm & Imobillizer.
As far as what colour to get, I like the look of the metallic Purple, Silver, Steel Grey. I have already owned a White car, yes the Skyline looks great in white but, nah!
Now who can settle this current debate on what fuel you have to run? Do you absolutely have to run these machines on 98 RON or will they also run on 95 RON. Please explain.
Spare Parts. I will look at the forum on this site on items for sale, but can someone please tell me what sort of 'common' things break on a R33 Skyline. If I'm going to have to keep fixing this car then maybe I'm better off keeping my trusty Mazda.
Anyway, my passion is still there, I love the sound of an RB26DET engine as it rumbles past me, the clean lines in their bodies and those awsome round tail-lights. Keep the feedback coming please as you all are helping me heaps!